hey, thraexis11, I'm not SG lol, but I'm going to try and give advice on this deck :L
I myself have had a lot of trouble with this deck, because I only used it a few times I never learned when to play certain cards....
The idea is to get out your otyugh (oty in short) then quintessence it (quint it)... once you have a quinted oty you can then devour enemy creatures with less HP than your oty which will grow over time
Whilst you are doing this you should aim to get out a boneyard because then everytime you devour a creature you get a skeleton for free, this skeleton can then be used to be devoured by your oty to 'buff' him by giving him +1/+1 stats
Your shield are used to stall the enemy so you can play quinted creatures
along with oty you should aim to play a quinted Elf/Druid, then you can use mutation on the skeltons instead of eating them and you might gain better creatures with awesome abilities
Also a FireFly Queen (FFQ) will help by producing FFs which you can then eat or mutate or leave on your field, also vthe spell Rain of Fire (RoF) will allow you to kill any unprotected creatures on the enemy side with 3 or less HPs which will alllow you to gain extra skeltons to eat/mutate, and it will also weaken tougher enemies and bring them into devourerable range of your oty
the Bonds are in there because if you have 1/2 otys 1 FFQ, 1 Elf and then a ton of mutants/FFs/Skeletons you can gain back masses of HP each turn, combine this with a shield in which you are not able to be attacked and you will zip right back up to max again
in short, don't play creatures without quint unless you really have to, try and chain quinted oty, boneyard if possible to get a super oty
use bonds to save your life when you are desperate
use shields to slow the enemy and stall
then use RoF when the enemy has a lot of creatures out to trun the tide....
practice makes perfect
you will soon learn the order in which to play over time, start by only fighting AI3 or if that is too easy AI5....