Don't know if this has already been mentioned but shouldn't "alternatively" be "alternately"?
Drawckab is correct - that word should be changed.
No it wont. I would prefer for mono decks to have half of my cards pillars and half pendulums. This way, I am not as prone to quicksands. And you also have to think. Would yo rather have your opponent steal this or a regular pillar? If I knew I was facing a darkness deck, I would try to use pillars instead.
This was my initial reaction - everyone was saying "ooh, earthquake counter!" and I was scratching my head, thinking won't earthquake ravage this type of deck just as bad? Yes it will. I'd pack some pillars too, or just cross your fingers.
This really isn't the new replacement for running half-pillars half-towers, either - you could just as easily run half-pillars, half-towers, unless 1) you're in an unupped-only event, or 2) upgrading this mimics towers by giving an extra quantum when played.
What exactly will these be like upped?
One card this DOES handle a little better than pillars:
devourer. If you're relying on a single-quantum-per-turn source, like a mark splash for shrieker rush or you only drew a single pillar, a pair or trio of devourers can shut down the smaller quana supply almost perfectly. With this, say you have a stack of 5 and your opponent has three devourers out... that means you'll have a minimum of 2 quanta in alternating types! Whereas with 4 of one pillar and 1 of another, almost every time you'll end up with 3 of one quantum type and none of the other.