Sorry for the necro, but...
Since Mark cards are considered as cards from their element in all forum events, I'd like to bring the suggestion of moving Mark cards to the section of their respective element. I could do it myself, but wouldn't just want to Steal cards from the other section 
Global Moderators can move them. If memory serves me right some were scattered and then put together into the Other section to keep the same type of unusual card in one place, also we still don't have a correct picture of either Mark Card submitted yet.
Mark Cards are listed as Other cards in the game client, they also have the card code that correspond with Other cards, until we have a change/word from Zanz or actual in game indication of what is to become of Mark Cards why impose forum standard over the game creators?
Some info and things that have been said about marks and the card copies of them:
Mark Cards are a byproduct of an unintended game glitch that's been corrected since over a year and a half. The earlier selection code for the spins would sometimes pick the extra marks from FGs and players could therefor win them. Mark Cards don't really belong to any element since they were not intended as a cards at all. Its been said that the mark was supposed to act as the elemental presence of yourself and not a card (think of the old Metamorphosis button for the player to change from one elemental being into another) and the mark was a representation of your own presence on the field of battle.
Mark Cards are currently tokens of pvp prowess and/or veteran status and as such they belong in Other more than in an element imho.
I wouldn't be surprised if they were all removed at some later point and those of us who have them would probably get them swapped for the corresponding nymph. After all they don't fit with the games system as it is for players, we have pillars and pends. They are a pointless unintended novelty card.