Lol, i was spammed by 3 sofos in the first 10 rounds, what are the chances...
I will give up on MA vs Osiris.
Lobo-less mono aether is flat out not even worth attempting against osiris anymore IMO, but if you can add 3-4 lobos to the deck, the sofos become much less of a problem. I mean, you'll still have games where he draws more sofos/faster sofos than you can handle, but more often than not I've found an early lobo pretty much means a win.
Without lobos, you can try for lots of lightnings.
Not to discourage people who are hunting for a new rareless/unupped counter (and I'm one of the people seeking such), but when I've tried that personally, even when I
do manage to draw enough lightnings to prevent sofos from popping everything, I still wind up losing to momentum and/or catapulted high-HP scarabs. The lobos are really important to deal with the momentums and the pharaohs in addition to the sofos.
The closest I've gotten recently for rareless is mind flayers and quints (which suffers from low damage and bad draws) or gravity shields (which I haven't been able to fit into a deck that works in any situation other than perfect draws). The search continues.