It was a loss, but a fun match. (Also, winning would have been the same as losing.)

The outcome did not matter, so I wanted to use decks that I struggled against. This is kaempfer's R3 Fluxor deck.
If I spent any time analyzing what the deck can do, I wouldn't have lost with Rhay having 6 HP left. If I deploy any of the Armagios at any time or use Accelerate on a Charger 3 turns before the end, this would have been a win. (I had 2 Armagios in my opening hand, so I am at fault here.)

Rhay's deck was superior in every way. It's something I definitely want to test out in the future.

Not enough Titans, not enough speed.~

Kaempfer's R3 Tesseract Shaman deck. Outcome could have been different if Rhay has more Steals.
(-1 Stormspike +1 Mindgate because I could not use Air any more.)

And this deck, I definitely wanted to try out. Kaempfer's R2 Mono Life. He was very proud of it, so I had to give it a try. Did not disappoint.
GGs Rhay, and thanks for showing me more of what is possible in oETG!
Slot upgrades: [Nymph] [Nymph] [Nymph] [Nymph] [Nymph] (placeholder, but this doesn't really matter, does it?)