My first element was

because at that time, I was studying the water around my home, blue was my favorite color, and the idea of freezing and curing poison seemed like they would be useful. Of course, I quickly switched to

, but the idea of having creatures that can't be targeted was cool too

After this, I took a very long break from the game, almost seven months, and came back to hear of nymphs and alchemy cards and other stuff not in the original game.
My first epic fail is when I was switching decks so much and losing a lot to the point where I had hardly any money, and I sold the one green nymph I had to construct a fire/aether deck. My first upgraded card was a Minor Phoenix I was using in that deck, but I adjusted my deck and took it out, and due to being pushed with my hand on the mouse, I managed to sell it by mistake

I didn't get another card upgraded until I decided to make a RoL/Hope deck.
My first false god...I constructed an aether deck with accessory cards like steal for halfblood farming. I honestly don't remember what was in that deck, but it was partially based off a rainbow deck I saw on the old wiki, and I tweaked it to make it better. Anyways, I was suicidal enough to attempt FG grinding, and I somehow managed to beat Fire Queen with a very lucky draw and her getting only pillars in five turns. And if you're wondering, I had some protect artifacts for my phase shields