My username is an old and long story...
In like grade 6 we did a school project to design your own island. On my island you could find certain gemstones, and one of them was "Etheria".
After that, my friend was making a sort of universe thing, where he mapped out planets and stuff, and we were thinking of names. I offered "Etheria" as one, and he misheard me and wrote Evaria instead. It became the Ice planet...
Since then I started to like using Evaria as a character name.
But at around grade 8 I started to think a lot, and one of my thoughts was basically:
What could you do if you had perfect control of the air?
After things like Flying, Air Pressure, Wind Cutter and stuff, I thought of temperature extremes.
If you could control the temperature of air, you could make it so cold that things freeze over instantly, or so hot that they set fire and burn.
I attributed this "Control" of air to the name Evaria that I liked so much, and started to create a character around it. (I was influenced by anime.)
There's sort of a split personality. Eva is the "Chillwind", and represents the cold extremes of temperature in the air.
Ria is the "Searwind", and represents the hot extremes.
I started to play around with how to represent the 2 together.
EVA:RIA, eva/ria, etc.
I finally settled on EvaRia, which is the username I try to use the most now. (If it's not taken)