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Other Topics => Off-Topic Discussions => Topic started by: BluePriest on September 11, 2011, 10:44:21 pm
Just a curious question. Where were you when you heard the news about the world trade center being hit?
I was in my 6th grade teachers math class.
Senior year in high school. Theatre class when the first tower was hit, BCIS when the second tower was hit.
Too young to remember it. My parents said I was having a play date with one of my friends and they came and got me.
In the back seat of our Oldsmobile, on the way to PM kindergarten. My mother heard the news on the radio, turned back around, and excused my absence. I was genuinely scared until she explained it all to me. To this day I still wonder what would have happened had I attended class.
On September 11, 2011, I was on my computer, thinking about what it was like on September 11, 2001. I was very young and don't really remember anything.
I was doing basically the same as what DD was doing, going to pm kindergarden, but my mom didnt hear about it until we got the the (almost empty) school. They had sent everybody home because we lived like 1 hour away from DC at the time. My mom didnt want me to know what was happening, so she sent me upstairs to watch tv while she watched downstairs.
On September 11, 2011, I was on my computer, thinking about what it was like on September 11, 2001. I was very young and don't really remember anything.
I think he means title needs to change.
Aside, I was in Grade 5. I hated my teacher. The end. ^_^
On September 11, 2011, I was on my computer, thinking about what it was like on September 11, 2001. I was very young and don't really remember anything.
Sorry, fixed.
I was living with friends 1000s of km from home. And sat transfixed by the TV most of the day.
I was in
kindergarten must have been first grade in class, I think. I don't remember too much of it and I thought no one ever liked explaining anything to me anyway. I had no idea what happened and I probably didn't really care since it meant no school.
i was getting ready for school.
kinda feel like this right now:
I was school. All I remember is getting home that day, turning on the TV, and seeing the horrific replay of what had happened.
5th grade, no idea what class I was in. I do remember, however, that I was mad because the teachers stated we were forbidden from going outside for recess all because a plane had crashed somewhere.
Erm...on second thought I can't remember what grade I was in xD
I played chess in cafeteria.
Damn, I feel ancient. Most of you were in school or too young to remember? I was in college! :)) ... :-X
I was walking back to my dorm from my early morning class when the first plane hit -- I ran into a friend on the sidewalk, she told me what had happened, and it sounded so absurd I almost didn't believe it. After the second plane hit, class was canceled for the rest of the day. We had a lot of students and professors from NYC and DC -- most of them were panicking because they were trying to call their friends and families and couldn't get through for hours (my college set up a phone bank and information center in one of the school buildings to try to help).
That is a very easy question for me and all my family: I was at my eldest brother's wedding.
On the plus side, we can alway remember his aniversery.
The most ironic part about it is they chose that day because the date 9/11 was when my parents were married.
Too young to remember, was in first grade at the time. I believe that I went home immediately after an announcement about what happened was broadcast through the school. Don't think I knew why, though.
The most ironic part about it is they chose that day because the date 9/11 was when my parents were married.
September 11th is my aunt's birthday too.
I was with a bunch of friends on a far beach in Bretagne (France). We were trying to impress the girls with a lame long jump contest when another friend (who was a late sleeper and a couch potato) arrived by bike all sweaty. He told us about a crazy story about planes crashing in New-York and the Pentagon. As the guy was also the funny kind, nobody believed him and we resumed our contest. We went back to town late in the evening still not believing him. When he turn on the TV we realised our mistake. We had even to drag the guys preparing the barbecue in front of the TV for them to believe us ... The evening had a surreal touch after that ....
Damn, I feel ancient. Most of you were in school or too young to remember? I was in college! :)) ... :-X
I was walking back to my dorm from my early morning class when the first plane hit -- I ran into a friend on the sidewalk, she told me what had happened, and it sounded so absurd I almost didn't believe it. After the second plane hit, class was canceled for the rest of the day. We had a lot of students and professors from NYC and DC -- most of them were panicking because they were trying to call their friends and families and couldn't get through for hours (my college set up a phone bank and information center in one of the school buildings to try to help).
Yay, someone the same age as me! (I was feeling old reading most of those too!) I was in my first week of first-year university. I was just about ready to leave for school in the morning (about 7:30am my time, I think) and I went to get my dad, so we could head out. He was watching tv and said hey, check it out, some really horrible pilot hit the WTC. I come in and there's the first plane smoking away. We sit and watch the news for a minute or so and then the second plane hits the other tower. We were both like... wtf, did the second pilot get distracted by the first accident, or is there some weird weather condition, like high wind, or what? Nobody knew what was going on at the time. We watched for a few minutes and then left for the day.
When I got to school, I signed onto a computer and logged in to a browser game I was playing at the time, and started chatting with the Americans. (I'm Canadian) The first tower had fallen sometime on the way to school, and as I was talking to them, the second one fell. One of the guys I was chatting with was in a New York apartment building a few blocks away and could see the entire thing, and was telling us what was going on. I remember we were all stunned and rather somber discussing the day's events up to that point. There was a lot of profanity. (which was normally censored on this site, but the admins let it go that day) I remember one guy swearing up and down that once they found out who was responsible, he was going to enlist and go kick the # out of whoever was responsible. (we didn't know who yet) Another guy just completely lost it and was ranting about how glad he was that this had all happened. (!) Of course, this pissed off everyone else, so he got illegally killed a bunch of times for his horribly insensitive comments.
The first class I had that day was classical history. I remember because, without any preamble, my professor immediately launched into a monologue about Middle Eastern history and relations (this was 2 hours or so after the planes hit, and we knew by then that the prime suspect was al-Qaeda and bin Laden, but it wasn't confirmed) instead of whatever the day's topic was supposed to be.
The other class I remember was my introductory civil engineering class (I have an electrical engineering degree) and the prof spent the whole class telling us 'exactly how the towers fell' even though it had only happened about 7-8 hours previous and obviously nobody had any of the details yet about any of that.
Then I remember that evening being glued to the tv news. I remember my little sister coming in, and she couldn't understand why I was so transfixed with what was going on; I guess she was too young to really care yet.
I had a real shock the next morning, though. I'm an avid reader, and I had suddenly remembered one of Nostradamus's quatrains. Now, his stuff was pretty vague, but one of them was thought to talk about a war beginning in New York City, as the quatrain mentioned something like 'the city with two names twice' or whatever. (New York City, New York) Now -that- really made me wonder... I have read since that that might've been an aprocryphal anecdote, but if it was, it was one that had been around since I was a kid at least, because I read about it when I was very young. (i.e. like in the 80s/90s, before 9/11)
celebrating the birthday of me and my dad...
yay, lego I want to play with lego, here and here it's a .........?? ??
I was 4 when it happened, can I remmenber it ? No.
I was nearly 12 at that time, and, due to time zone, it was afternoon where I live when the plane crashed, I thought for a long time I was having a judo lesson when the firsta plane crashed, since my grandfather asked me whether I knew what had happened in U.S.A., but I realized it doesn't fit the time, so I think I was doing nothing waiting for going to judo lesson...