Since the fall of iSketch, there hasn't been a good online drawing game. At least until now. Presenting: (GAS for short) works the same as iSketch did, except that it allows anyone to draw even if they already had their turn. It also allows freeform drawing when there is no competition going on at the moment. Freeform drawing is real-time, so anyone can draw into the other's drawing which can lead to some fun sketches.
If you're not familiar how the competitive part works, here's a short rundown:
- The player who wants to draw clicks the "I wanna Draw!" button. He will be the drawer, everyone else will be a guesser.
- The drawer is given a term which he needs to draw (under a given time), while the guessers need to make guesses by typing them in Chat.
- The first guesser who finds the correct answer gets points and the drawer also gets points if his drawing was guessed within the deadline.
- First person to reach ~110 points wins.
- If nobody finds the correct answer under the given time, nobody gets points.
Usually the words are pre-determined, but if every player is a forumer, then they can draw elements-related terms, and give the solution to the person who figured it out (by either typing it out or via out-of-game voice chat). Drawing letters is usually against the rules, but it's up to player judgement what's allowed and what's not.
Using DiscordChat while playing is highly recommended. For additional fun.