stop spewing your hate, troll
your rhymes are ordinary, boring and droll
yeah that's redundant- I know it is
but I thought you just needed reminding- you've no place in show biz.
you bore us to tears
with your raps
get an exterminator-
I'm afraid your attic is filled with bats.
I'm the spokesperson for entropy-
the element that wears many hats
we've got CC,PC- all that.
We're fun to play- every game's different.
your elements a bore- quite diffident.
yeah- you've got some good cards-
we'll grant you that,
but you're a sorry bard
but your average spells fail when they're but up to bat.
Your shockwave- how scary! I fear for my life!
I'll vibrate to death- but wait, I won't- Ockham's knife
whoops, did I say that wrong, I'm so contrite!
but your decks are to boring to even play right!
your best deck- powerful wurms- is really quite fast,
but without our powers of chaos it would be dead last.
you're so confident- but your team's never gonna win?
it looks like you picked your cards from a trash bin.
They're blue- like cotton candy
I quake in my boots!
but we're regal purple
were not only good, but royalty to boot.
You're already out of war, so you should just leave
our team's better than yours,
were going for gold
your hand was so bad
there was nothing you could do but fold.
course- that's not your fault, but wait, it is!
if you had better cards,
you still wouldn't win.
The entire EtG relies on our supernovas,
you contribute what, one good card?
I feel your wurms are below us.
and your dragon- just wind in our faces,
think farting's gonna get you places?!
so back off, we're ready to sow some discord,
leave you tinkering with your predictable little tinkertoys, have fun getting bored!
Entropy, what mayhem!
Entropy, what stress!
Entropy will leave behind nothing, not even