'Each of the Alethiometer's 36 symbols has a range of meanings. Below are the primary, secondary and tertiary symbol meanings.
Hourglass - Time, Death, change
Sun - Day, Authority, truth
Alpha and Omega - Finality, Process, inevitability
Marionette - Obedience, Submission, grace
Serpent - Evil, Guile, natural wisdom
Crucible -Alchemy, Craft, achieved wisdom
Anchor - Hope, Steadfastness, prevention
Angel - Messenger, Hierarchy, disobedience
Helmet - War, Protection, narrow vision
Beehive - Productive work, Sweetness, light
Moon - Chastity, Mystery, the uncanny
Madonna - Motherhood, The feminine, worship
Apple - Sin, Knowledge, vanity
Bird - The soul (the dæmon), Spring, marriage
Bread - Nourishment, Christ, sacrifice
Ant - Mechanical work, Diligence, tedium
Bull - Earth, Power, honesty
Candle - Fire, Faith, learning
Cornucopia - Wealth, Autumn, hospitality
Chameleon - Air, Greed, patience
Thunderbolt - Inspiration, Fate, chance
Dolphin - Water, Resurrection, succor
Walled Garden - Nature, Innocence, order
Globe - Politics, Sovereignty, fame
Sword - Justice, Fortitude, the Church
Griffin - Treasure, Watchfulness, courage
Horse - Europe, Journeys, fidelity
Camel - Asia, Summer, perseverance
Elephant- Africa, Charity, continence
Crocodile (Caiman) - America, Rapacity, enterprise
Baby - The future, Malleability, helplessness
Compass - Measurement, Mathematics, science
Lute - Poetry, Rhetoric, philosophy
Tree - Firmness, Shelter, fertility
Wild Man - Wild man, The masculine, lust
Owl - Night, Winter, fear
Each symbol has one primary meaning and a range of subsidiary meanings, which are potentially infinite. However, the subsidiary meanings are all related by association to the primary meaning. So, for instance, the sun symbolizes :
Day, because it is during the day that we see the sun.
Authority, because the sun is the most powerful thing in the sky.
Truth, because by the sun's light we can see the true forms of things.
Kingship (or political authority of any kind), because the king is the sun around whom the court or the state revolves;
A Particular King Or Leader (in the context of a query to the alethiometer, it will be obvious which one is meant);
Phoebus Apollo, and thus rationality and the intellect, as opposed to the baser emotions;
Archery (Apollo's bow and arrows) and thence
The Power Of Administering Punishment At A Distance, including
The Creative Arts (through Apollo's patronage of the nine Muses);
The Laurel (through Apollo's love for Daphne), and thence
Honor, Prizes, Fame, through Apollo's awarding of the laurel wreath;
Divination and Prophecy (through the Delphic Oracle);
Pastoral Husbandry (Apollo's flocks and herds), and thence
A Particular Farm, and thence
A Particular Beast;
Homosexual Love (Apollo's love for Hyacinthus);
Gold ... '
Thats what srafopedia says anyway. If anyone wants to make some up just say