I thought it was Offtopic all the time!? General discussion? Never mind

Unit you are my hero of the... hour.
Sorry for letting you wait, my girlfriend needed to show her friend funny videos on my laptop... *sigh*.
I think I like ... .... ... ... Death?... most? (haha, just had to laugh about it as i read it)
I don´t know...
I started with Air some five days ago. I mixed it with Life, cause i liked the combination with the firefly queen.
After a couple of games Fahrenheit dropped, but i sold it. I didn´t know that i can change Mark.
After I found out I started all over and I built the essential deck. This is probably my favorite meta-deck. I´m not shure about this expressions, it´s new to me.
I was pretty flashed about the community here, so "yes" i´d like to take part in the tournament tomorrow.
@Aves: You didn´t do this on purpose, did you -.-
@Xenocidius: What a relief...