After discovering Elements, I started with a basic Light deck. I noticed the Pegasi worked well with Blessing, so I created a crude Wyrm/Pegasi deck that barely broke even. The lack of success with Light and Air made me look for a stronger choice.
I found Death, but gladly it hasn't found me yet. I thought that Death would be host to a ton of cards with powerful creature death effects. I was initially underwhelmed; Boneyard and Bonewall were cool, but I didn't find anything incredible immediately. What I did do was create an Otyugh/Death/Life deck that relied on Otyughs to feed Vultures, create Skeletons for the Bonds, and build my shield wall. The deck was able to even beat a False God on occasion; I had created a supremely flexible deck that could adapt to many situations. I found my power, or so I thought. I became the Master of Death.
Ironically, my concept of the true power of Death occurred when MrBlonde dethroned me, as well as the resulting War afterwords. The sheer power and flexibility of Poison as well as the strength of Bonewall convinced me I had made the right choice. Buffing Flesh Recluses twice was the final hook. Arsenic and its slow but certain deck became my fuel. Recluses became my weapon of choice, and when the Deathstalker came out I rejoiced. I finally realized the true power of Death in a Dark/Death combo deck that slaughters most opponents, and can go toe to toe against liferushes and win. I hit the pinnacle, and it will take far more than that to make me consider otherwise.