dude, same here... i was derping (yes, im not trolling in pvp) with mah SoG + SoR + rares in an attempt to actually just give people free
yes pulvy, miracle, and eternity... then there's this guy who kept on trash talking like, "Dude, you suck", "F
iretruck you..", "Nooblets..", and everything.. and he ended up saying "child's play"
he was playing a voodoo + accel
duo... then i came back with mah TROLOLOLOLOL RAGEQUIT immortal flying twin SoRternities + ghostal deck... screwed this same guy's arse pretty bad, and pretty much others in the process, too...
he kept me enraged enough to keep pwning his sorry arse in pvp2 over and over for ~3 games, then 4th game (yes, there aren't many people in pvp2 then) he called me "noob" then autoquit on first turn
ahhh, yes, interesting things you can do with