Alright, here's the situation.
The semifinal matchups were vagman13 vs h2owned and dm1321 vs. smokefree. vagman and h2owned played and h2owned advanced to the finals. Then dm1321 and smokefree played. They were at 1-1 when the desync happened.
Basically, smokefree had a flying-quint-moment-adrena-stave and dm1321 had 4 siphon lifes with 9
production per turn. They desynced right after smokefree set up the combo. smokefree accused dm1321 of forcing a desync, cursed, and went to main chat.
h2owned and dm1321 started to play a match. They decided to go to main chat, and I followed them. They played for a while when smokefree agreed to show me his screenshot. He took a while to get it to me, and while he did h2owned left.
Then dm1321 and smokefree argued for a while about the desync and connection. smokefree continued to accuse dm1321 of foul play. Then, smokefree said he didn't care if he lost, cursed again, and left again.
So I'm giving this tournament to dm1321. It's the only real way to resolve this.