Here it goes...
I remember having a very
severe hatred of many card games, simply because my skills in playing them were so bad. Pokemon cards were frustrating, Kongai's just confused me to no avail (not to mention, some of the players were incredibly rude), and Yu-gi-oh was only enjoyable via a Gameboy.
Then (as I was enjoying my time 'badge farming' in Kongregate), I realized that Elements was promoting their badges and I decided to give it a shot, initially thinking it was some sort of highly-intense elemental RPG. When I saw cards, I sighed, and prayed that I could get that
Impossible "Spaghetti Monster Killer" icon for 60 points as quickly as I could. Oh yeah, I was one of 'those' Kongers. With my account (Deseis), I initially chose Time as my first element, and partially understood the tutorial, figuring out how Steal worked, what Scarabs could and couldn't eat, and how quantum pillars generated the energy needed to play creatures or use special abilities.
I forgot my password to Deseis/didn't change it, so I instead created a whole new one and ditched my old IGN - I was now Kuroaitou.
My infatuation with Time really started off with me actually creating my own 'theoretical' video game (I'm still "Working" on it
), and where my character stumbled upon a rare mechnical-device that altered time-space. His personality was also reflected by the object (maturity/age, daydreaming to ignore future consequences, having felt like he had altered memories, etc.), so I decided to embody that feeling with Elements, hoping that it would lead me to closer to my goal.
I then found these forums, and my head
exploded (metaphorically speaking).
It was there that I found the beauty of the typical shrieker rush - Graboids evolved into Shriekers for fast damage potential, all with (of course) the Time Mark. I didn't have to pay a ridiculous 100 electrum to change my mark. Instead, I just bought some Stone Pillars, Graboids, and Shriekers, and began grinding every single day against the 'Elders' until I got my score and electrum up to finish the quests. Now I was hooked - I started searching for FG killer decks and found SG's, noting the important use of Sundial AND Eternity, which made me even happier on how Time had all of these awesome cards (I forgot to note the date of when the deck was made though). Upon upgrading all of my other cards won by AI3, Half-Bloods, and even the T50, I decided to fight my first False God: Rainbow.
And oh did I get my ass handed to me on a golden platter.
I started to fight Half-bloods to figure out the A.I. strategy, and also ask others for advice when reading the decks of the false gods. I wanted to beat Rainbow - I wanted to own as many Hourglasses as he did, and I still wanted to win and get my Impossible Badge on Kongregate.
Then, for the first time, I won - I got the 60 points after being Destiny, winning both an Electrum Hourglass AND an Eternity... but for some reason, I couldn't leave the game. It was more than just the badges. It was more than just the reaping of additional new cards (Pharaoh). It was the community - and everyone who loved Time in addition to that.
While I do still have dislikes towards some elements
(Fire mostly, damn those Explosions!) from fighting several False Gods, I've found new respect in a lot of the other elements, including Darkness (which I suppose represents my more... 'regretful' personality in real-life). But regardless of what happens to the game or to me, I feel that fate has a funny way of sweeping people into and out of situations and opportunities...
...just as how Time swept me into the world of Elements.