I used to remember when my summers were actually productive. Nevermind the stay-at-home times when I was a kid (and now as a full-fledged adult, sadly), where I did nothing. I knew I was active back then; either practicing basketball and getting my daily dose of vitamin C and exercise, learning how to swim (as atrocious as that felt), running track and trying to do the 200m dash, having an actual summer part-time job bagging grocery items, and above all, hanging out with a group of people I had loved and respected (I still do, but it's complicated).
PRIDE week, July 4th, a cousin's B-day party... the list goes on and on.
...despite all these things though, summer is probably the worst season for me because it partially breaks down my sleeping schedule (more sun = less sleep or the perception of it). That said, summer is nice, but it used to be a lot more fun for me back then when I felt like I could step outside, look up, and feel gratitude for the season, rather than regret for what didn't happen during Fall, Winter, and Spring, and the upcoming disappointments I'll have to deal with once Summer does end.