Originally I was called Exar Kun, a Jedi that existed in the time of the Old Republic era of the Star Wars universe. Eventually, I came across Soul Caliber II, first the GC version, then the Xbox version. Featured in the Xbox edition was Spawn, and in one of his lines, he quotes "Malebolgia, just you wait" as he was sent to get the blade on account of being servant to Malebolgia. I then had it as my name since. Sometimes I tack on a 13 (favorite number) or 1113 (m/d of my b-day) if the name alone is taken. I also eventually read into the name and that it is a name of fiction in the Spawn comics; ruler of the 8th Circle of Hell, the Malebolge, or "Evil Ditches", in which deceit was the punishment, divided into the 10 different types (politicians, etc.). I also wanted to be Captain Otyugh (Captain sounds like a catchy title, and Otyugh is my favorite card) in the forum change, but felt like I was leaving my real name behind, so I stayed true to Malebolgia.