Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game
Other Topics => Off-Topic Discussions => Topic started by: Jen-i on September 18, 2011, 10:19:56 pm
With all this passive aggressive crap going on - I decided we needed a new forum event.
War tends to make people feel bad, leads to cries of outrage at the RNG, to pity parties, to suicide decks and to all other awful things in the land of elements. No longer will you need to cry because of a no pillar draw or for playing against a perfect counter. No more tears will need to be shed for a massive heart stopping penalty given to your team, no cries of "Unfair!", or "Stupid Event Card!". No longer will you have to be concerned that a key team mate or even your General will quit in the middle of the Event. And finally at long last we won't need to deal with obnoxious winners and their banners.
Instead of Violence we'll have cooperation, instead of tears we'll have smiles, instead of outrage we have rainbows. Come join the new Peace Event.
Here are the rules.
Team Size
Each team can have as many members as they want - we don't believe in exclusion - all are welcome to join. If after joining a team you wish to be part of another team feel free to join that one instead - no one will be offended and there are no secrets to steal. Your team selection is merely a matter of preference - no one team is superior to any other.
Deck Composition
Each team must choose one creature - each deck in each round must include 6 copies of that creature. During testing your goal must be to get all 12 creatures from both decks into play at the same time to have a creature dance party. Make sure you include nachos and pizza - BYOB.
Dueling Phase
During the duels each round - any player about to win the game must quit the game instead. There are no "Losers" in Peace - we wouldn't want anyone to feel badly about the results of any games - instead each duel will be best of 8999 [note: not more than 9000] if you cannot finish the matches in time no worries, every duel is considered a draw regardless.
End Game
At any point in which you grow tired of playing Peace - simply leave and go do whatever else you'd like to do, you may return at anytime , joining any team you wish and enjoy our non-religiously affiliated, ethnically diverse holiday of no specific origin.
Hugs and kisses, butterflies and rainbows for all.
Your special friend, Jen-i
Im so gonna win this thing, i'll squish everyone in mah way to get it!
Can I be Supreme Pony General in charge of Rainbows?
Instead of Violence we'll have cooperation, instead of tears we'll have smiles, instead of outrage we have rainbows.
As a Rainbro I fully support this message.
Can I be Supreme Pony General in charge of Rainbows?
sorry Terro - no one gets to be in charge - however you can be "Supreme Pony General in cooperation with Rainbows"
I love you Jeni <3 Pink haired foxie approves of this this event.
*Goes to convert Rage Potions into Love Potions*
Brilliant morningstar - we'll need to set up a lab to help you with that - we can turn long swords into levels, and discords into rainbows, and arsenic into biodegradable paint, and fahrenheit into thermometers (ones without mercury).
Oh yeah - and someone get on some way of turning some of the Pegasii into Unicorns - we need some unicorns
where do I sign up ;D
This event is not how I envisioned it. I will now go to chat room to complain, and later I will start a new topic, trying to get more people to boycott this event until the rules are changed to what I think is the best.
oh SG, you're so negative. anyway, this is pretty cool, with all the war going on. though I think you need some cupcakes to make it even better :D
I think this event has way too many imbalances in it. OP I say!
"Rainbows" is such a charged term in Elements.
Instead could we use the term "Rainbros"? Please, with cherries on top?
"Rainbows" is such a charged term in Elements.
Instead could we use the term "Rainbros"? Please, with cherries on top?
No, they're a super-elitist group that has no place in Peace. I propose "Happy-Fun-Joy-Joy-Rapture-Friends", instead.
"Rainbows" is such a charged term in Elements.
Instead could we use the term "Rainbros"? Please, with cherries on top?
No, they're a super-elitist group that has no place in Peace. I propose "Happy-Fun-Joy-Joy-Rapture-Friends", instead.
yournames are all insulting to those who dont have friends, or those who suffer from depression. please find a less harsh name for your group
In Peace, we are all friends. There is no 'forever alone' in Peace, as we are really all together. Here, have a S'more, it'll change your life.
I'm allergic to marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers. I am insulted.
Then instead you get crickets served between charcoal lased with cyanide. We cater to everyone's needs.
This event is not how I envisioned it. I will now go to chat room to complain, and later I will start a new topic, trying to get more people to boycott this event until the rules are changed to what I think is the best.
I laughed a lot. Thanks SG you made my day.
On a side note, I am gonna participate to this event and I am gonna loose it badly. Each time I'll see a white flag I'll shoot on sight. I think I'll enjoy a lot to spread your rainbow brains on the peaceful grass and to kill all those nice butterflies with litters of DDT.
"Rainbows" is such a charged term in Elements.
Instead could we use the term "Rainbros"? Please, with cherries on top?
Aah, was that an unintentional? Or are you trying to sneak that word in?
"Rainbows" is such a charged term in Elements.
Instead could we use the term "Rainbros"? Please, with cherries on top?
No, they're a super-elitist group that has no place in Peace. I propose "Happy-Fun-Joy-Joy-Rapture-Friends", instead.
non-religiously affilated event :)
I don't like rainbows, they're depressing, all that color hurts my eyes! I vote that everything has to be in dull, drab colors, melancholy is the new happy!
no worries nerd - in joining peace we will chromatically scale the view of all participants to their preferences.
Can you be a member of both the War and Peace events at the same time? :o
"Rainbows" is such a charged term in Elements.
Instead could we use the term "Rainbros"? Please, with cherries on top?
SEXISM! Name must be changed to Rain-people!
Oh, wait, but that might make the animals feel left out...
We'll just call it rain - make it a :water card and move on - nothing to see here folks
We'll just call it rain - make it a :water card and move on - nothing to see here folks
Discrimination against the other 12 elements!
Is Rain an instrument?
We'll just call it rain - make it a :water card and move on - nothing to see here folks
Discrimination against the other 12 elements!
Um I guess - but that's not the intention - its just that when it starts raining :earth - then rocks start falling and people get hurt, when it starts raining :death - bad things happen, when it starts raining :light we have another word for it - called sunshine. But if it makes you feel better you can call it whatever you like so long as no one gets hurt.
Is Rain an instrument?
No - in Peace we believe in cooperation - therefore the creation of music requires cooperation between instruments - with :earth you can however have a rainstick!!!
Is :water an instrument?
Looks like I stand to be corrected - it may not be an instrument on its own but it is certainly crazily cool to incorporate into music
Water Drumming ()
Glass Harp (&feature=relmfu)