I REALLY don't think that's why men like women with big breasts, but that's just me.
What I said is backed up by decades of scientific research. What
you think is irrelevant. It is no surprise to me that most people don't believe this. After all majority of people ignore science and believe in ridiculous things like God etc.
When men see big breasts, they don't think "omg, that woman could really feed my offspring!". They think that the woman is "sexy" or "hot". But the reason they think that is because they have been programmed by evolution to help the survival of our species.
Some men prefer smaller breasts.
Yeah, and some women say penis size doesn't matter.
Usually when men say they like small breasts..
1. they are lying (so their girlfriend wouldn't feel bad)
2. they are talking about average size breasts that have a great
shape (indicates youth and good genes). They would prefer bigger ones if it was the same shape.
3. they define "big breasts" as something seen on porn movies. These are usually way too big and sometimes strange shape (both indicate bad health or bad genes)
4. they have never seen or been in contact with big, well shaped breasts.
But it is true that some men do actually prefer smaller breasts. There are all kinds of freaks in the world.