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Men vs. Women https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=643.msg8623#msg8623
« Reply #36 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:13 pm »

However, we have overriden quiet a bit of our original biological factors, like socrdawg said, some men do prefer smaller breast. Likewise some women prefer 'cute' men, over manly men.
Was just about to point that out, lol. That's actually my preference. I'm not much of a "manly" man, either. >.>
You write poetry. :) Of course that doesn't fit into the description of 'manly' man, lol. How judgemental and setrotypical our world is, eh?


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Men vs. Women https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=643.msg8624#msg8624
« Reply #37 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:13 pm »

Women on the other hand are better at "intelligence about feelings" (sorry I have no idea what the english term is).

Yeah, that's the other word for it. :) I guess some female scientist decided that being a bitch is actually a form of intelligence. :)


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Men vs. Women https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=643.msg8625#msg8625
« Reply #38 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:13 pm »

. His opinion does matter, what do you think science is based on, opinions and theroys collectivly gathered, not narrow-mindedness and insults. So far, most people have agreed with this biological breast theroy, just stated that it is no longer that much of an important reason in the modern world and is moer a thing of the past, and of course he wouldn't think this if his body was programed to think of it differently. Also, wtf bring god into this?

Science is based on evidence collected by some of the smartest people living on this earth.

Lynxion is a 13 years old boy who plays Elements. You think he knows something valuable about this subject? You think he knows better than scientists? You think his opinion matters? No. Because we are not talking about opinions here, we are talking about facts.

I see you are a religious person since you got angry for me bringing God into this. I was just saying that religious people generally have harder time accepting these kinds of this because they think science is fake and "Sky Daddy" will save them.

You call everyone a liar, ignore their reasons for saying something, then call the ones who don't lie freaks? Does it occur to you that humans overiding their biological programing from thousands of years ago is evlolution in itself? Not only sexual body parts are taken into consideration when defineing attraction chemically, so most people really don't mind small breast or an average sized penis. If you ever do anything science related, I hope they don't send you to collect any anecdotal evidence, you'll tell everyone they're wrong. Science is incomplete.
"Not minding" and liking are two totally different things.

What you fail to understand is that most of the things I talked about happens on unconscious level. That is why people themselves don't always know what they like.


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Men vs. Women https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=643.msg8626#msg8626
« Reply #39 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:13 pm »

I REALLY don't think that's why men like women with big breasts, but that's just me.
What I said is backed up by decades of scientific research. What you think is irrelevant. It is no surprise to me that most people don't believe this. After all majority of people ignore science and believe in ridiculous things like God etc.

When men see big breasts, they don't think "omg, that woman could really feed my offspring!". They think that the woman is "sexy" or "hot". But the reason they think that is because they have been programmed by evolution to help the survival of our species.

Some men prefer smaller breasts.

Yeah, and some women say penis size doesn't matter. :)

Usually when men say they like small breasts..

1. they are lying (so their girlfriend wouldn't feel bad)
2. they are talking about average size breasts that have a great shape (indicates youth and good genes). They would prefer bigger ones if it was the same shape.
3. they define "big breasts" as something seen on porn movies. These are usually way too big and sometimes strange shape (both indicate bad health or bad genes)
4. they have never seen or been in contact with big, well shaped breasts.

But it is true that some men do actually prefer smaller breasts. There are all kinds of freaks in the world. :)


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Men vs. Women https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=643.msg8627#msg8627
« Reply #40 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:13 pm »

And a surprised mother in law :-p

But on a more serious note, I feel it should be noted that what many of you believe to be biological differences in gender, are actually cultural differences. Gender studies is a very broad topic (I'm thinking about making it one of my majors), and without a great deal of understanding, it is difficult to grasp the full context of the factors involved in gender differences.

Basically, for most examples yall can provide of how "typical" men and women act, I can give an example of a society in which just the opposite is true. If it's a biological difference rather than a cultural difference, then I probably can't.

Edit: Just some interesting information, 20% of men don't develop their brains "properly" (like the other 80%). If I'm not mistaken, part of the frontal lobe of the brain shrinks in that 80%. For the 20% who do not go through this process, they are much more "emotional." They are better at relationships and communicating with a spouse (that doesn't mean it affects their sexual preference). The same is true for women. 20% have part of their frontal lobe shrink, and they have more "masculine" social qualities.
It is true that cultural differences have some effect but it's mostly biological and a result of thousands of years of evolution.

For example women all over the world like to decorate their house, buy lots of furniture and all kinds of useless crap. Men don't do that as much. This is because in the stone ages women stayed at home (at the cave) while men went to hunt. Women who didn't stay at the cave, were killed by a sabretooth tiger or raped/killed by another tribe.

Believe it or not, most human behavior today can be explained by what happened during the stone ages.


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Men vs. Women https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=643.msg8628#msg8628
« Reply #41 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:13 pm »

I have a better reply for Lynxion's question now, I think. You claim women "bitch" (complain) about everything, when everyone complains. The key here is what men complain about as compared to women. I have no idea what the general complaints by each gender are, except that each complains about the other gender. The difference between bitching and complaining is that bitching annoys someone else. Naturally, a woman complaining about a man would annoy the man, and he would perceive it as bitching; however, the reverse is just as true. So really, everyone bitches, it just depends on your perspective.
Actually it's been scientifically proven that women "bitch" or "nag" more than men. I read about it not long ago.

The reason for this is evolution. Men have always been the ones to take our species to the next level. Women have had the role of taking care of men and reproducing, which is a very important role. Women "nag" because it's a way to push men to do better. If those early women wouldn't have nagged, men would have taken it easy and we would still live in trees. This is something most women refuse the acknowledge, but they are close minded and ignorant so who cares.

I personally believe in strong gender roles. Men and women are different, with different strengths and weaknesses. We should use that to our advantage, not bitch about equality and all that other feminist BS.


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Men vs. Women https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=643.msg8629#msg8629
« Reply #42 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:13 pm »

I wonder if the "nagging" women do will decrease over time now that everyone is "equal."
Yeah nagging will decrease for sure. Only problem is that it might take about 5000 years.

Women are genetically programmed to nag. This is not something that changes in a couple of generations. Our surroundings might change rapidly but evolution works very very slow.

This is why rich and powerful women still prefer rich and powerful men. They don't need a rich and powerful man but they prefer one because they are genetically programmed to find a man that can take care of them and their baby.

I know these concepts are really difficult for your average person to grasp but they are nevertheless true.


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Men vs. Women https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=643.msg8630#msg8630
« Reply #43 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:13 pm »

I would still argue that most of what you're talking about is a type of cultural evolution rather than a biological one. I'm not saying biology isn't a factor, I'm saying culture has a larger role than you think.
Culture has a huge affect on a lot of things but not on those things I talked about.

It's the same thing with women breasts. No matter what culture, men like big breasts, and that's not going to change anytime soon, not even if our culture would totally change. Why do men like big breasts? Men like them because it implies that the woman can feed her babies better. Again.. it's evolution. Aside from size, breast shape is also important. Saggy breasts imply being old (aka not being able to reproduce).

Like I said before, these are behavior models that have been programmed into out genes. Culture has no affect on it. Culture affects more on things like fashion, music, etc. Our genes take care of the more important stuff.

Men vs. Women https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=643.msg8631#msg8631
« Reply #44 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:13 pm »

However, we have overriden quiet a bit of our original biological factors, like socrdawg said, some men do prefer smaller breast. Likewise some women prefer 'cute' men, over manly men.
Was just about to point that out, lol. That's actually my preference. I'm not much of a "manly" man, either. >.>

Men vs. Women https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=643.msg8632#msg8632
« Reply #45 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:13 pm »

I would still argue that most of what you're talking about is a type of cultural evolution rather than a biological one. I'm not saying biology isn't a factor, I'm saying culture has a larger role than you think.
Culture has a huge affect on a lot of things but not on those things I talked about.

It's the same thing with women breasts. No matter what culture, men like big breasts, and that's not going to change anytime soon, not even if our culture would totally change. Why do men like big breasts? Men like them because it implies that the woman can feed her babies better. Again.. it's evolution. Aside from size, breast shape is also important. Saggy breasts imply being old (aka not being able to reproduce).

Like I said before, these are behavior models that have been programmed into out genes. Culture has no affect on it. Culture affects more on things like fashion, music, etc. Our genes take care of the more important stuff.
I REALLY don't think that's why men like women with big breasts, but that's just me.
Perhaps that's why we're hardwired to like them, but I can almost guarantee that no man EVER thinks of that when he sees them. Now days, it's all about sexual gratification.


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Men vs. Women https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=643.msg8955#msg8955
« Reply #46 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:14 pm »

Also- deleted from your quote, but a good portion of science is based on faith and/or pre-decided conclusions where contrary evidence is rejected (just like religion). It's not as cut and dry as you make it sound. Granted, scientific beliefs do change over time (just like religion) but that doesn't mean it is infallable. Not to mention there are a lot of phenomenon that science can't answer. But that's off-topic for this thread!
This is probably more appropriate in the religion/politics subsection, but that is largely due to human error. In fact, it isn't scientific to behave that way - this is different from the "no true scotsman" fallacy because the scientific method is actually independent of its practitioners - and so human error can cause a misapplication of the scientific method. A good example of this is the "intelligent design" school of thought which purports to use the scientific method but misapplies it in order to support pre-drawn conclusions.

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Men vs. Women https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=643.msg8956#msg8956
« Reply #47 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:14 pm »

Just to sort of modify what you just said,
Both cultural and chemical, mainly our culture allows for the chemical reactions to be accepted.

, the chemical processes affect behavior, desires, etc. but culture can overrule these processes (you may want to kill someone you're mad at, but your culture (religion, law, morals).

SG's example of men and breasts makes perfect sense. However, we know that there are exceptions to what science has shown to be genetically determined. So the next question is are those exceptions due to a genetic mutation, or are they part of some other factor? If you were to look at food foraging societies, you might find that all men like large breasts. If you were to find any that didn't, and they couldn't give a reason as to why they preferred small ones, then it's probably a genetic mutation. If you look at a post-industrial or industrial society and find specific groups of men prefer smaller breasts, then it could very well be cultural (groups as in things a person belongs to in society, like a church, or a state, or a geographic region, not races, because that might be genetic).

