Scaredgirl, please read all my post, and not just one paragraph where it suits you. Clearly you missed my allusion as to how evidence is collected scientifically, and hence why any persons opinion should be taken into account; also, a bit off-topic, science info is not collected by some of the greatest minds, it is collected by competent minds, dicovers are made by brilliant minds - however I see your point, but scientests developing theorys usually don't ignore the populace.
And also, not minding, and liking are not two different things. I think you'll find that the same part of the brain is responsable for defing both, they are more similar than many other functions, still, you manipulated my cautious use of the wording 'don't mind'. If you read any of my previous post, I do understand that the biological process of attraction happens n a subconscious level, and have alreay siad so.
I'm not even going to bother with replying to the third major assumtion in your post, hopefully you figure it out yourself, however I will say this. When you are aruging something, if you can not see the views of the other side while undertanding why they are that way and aknowleding that, you really shouldn't feel you have a right to advocate your own point. Not until you know everything that counters it and still believe in it, otherwise you do nothing to benifit what you are saying.