
Offline Demagog

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Men vs. Women https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=643.msg8611#msg8611
« Reply #24 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:13 pm »

I have a better reply for Lynxion's question now, I think. You claim women "bitch" (complain) about everything, when everyone complains. The key here is what men complain about as compared to women. I have no idea what the general complaints by each gender are, except that each complains about the other gender. The difference between bitching and complaining is that bitching annoys someone else. Naturally, a woman complaining about a man would annoy the man, and he would perceive it as bitching; however, the reverse is just as true. So really, everyone bitches, it just depends on your perspective.

Forfeit, I think the general scientific consensus regarding the creation of life on earth is the basic parts that make up DNA were somehow formed together after a burst of lightning or some other high energy event. I could be wrong, but a scientist once "repeated" this in the lab and showed that organic molecules could be formed this way.

Offline Demagog

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« Reply #25 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:13 pm »

I have no idea. First off we have to accept your idea as true that women in general complain about everything. But I'm no expert so I can't answer that.

Offline Demagog

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« Reply #26 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:13 pm »

I would still argue that most of what you're talking about is a type of cultural evolution rather than a biological one. I'm not saying biology isn't a factor, I'm saying culture has a larger role than you think.

Offline Demagog

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Men vs. Women https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=643.msg8614#msg8614
« Reply #27 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:13 pm »

It depends on what "effects" you are referring to. You aren't being too clear about that so I'm not entirely sure of your stance.

I would argue that hardly any differences between men and women are due to evolution. To say this is to say that men and women have evolved differently. However, we have the same genes, the only difference is that women have no Y chromosome while men do. The "effects" I believe you are referring to are simply a result of the passing of culture over the past several thousand years.

If you could explain further then I might see what you really mean.

Offline Demagog

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Men vs. Women https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=643.msg8615#msg8615
« Reply #28 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:13 pm »

Some men prefer smaller breasts.

Some men prefer no breasts at all :-p (meaning they are gay).

Offline Demagog

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Men vs. Women https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=643.msg8616#msg8616
« Reply #29 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:13 pm »

Your arguments are entertaining, Scaredgirl (compliment). What I'm saying is more of a "philosophical" way of saying everyone bitches, not who does it more.

I wonder if the "nagging" women do will decrease over time now that everyone is "equal."

Evil Hamster

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Men vs. Women https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=643.msg8617#msg8617
« Reply #30 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:13 pm »

Women on the other hand are better at "intelligence about feelings" (sorry I have no idea what the english term is).


Evil Hamster

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Men vs. Women https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=643.msg8618#msg8618
« Reply #31 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:13 pm »

Women on the other hand are better at "intelligence about feelings" (sorry I have no idea what the english term is).

Yeah, that's the other word for it. :) I guess some female scientist decided that being a bitch is actually a form of intelligence. :)
A smart man will never even THINK about challenging a moody woman!

Also- we men would need woment to "encourage" us to live up to our potential.

How does that saying go?

Behind every successful man, there's a nagging woman.



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Men vs. Women https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=643.msg8619#msg8619
« Reply #32 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:13 pm »

Scaredgirl, please read all my post, and not just one paragraph where it suits you.  Clearly you missed my allusion as to how evidence is collected scientifically, and hence why any persons opinion should be taken into account; also, a bit off-topic, science info is not collected by some of the greatest minds, it is collected by competent minds, dicovers are made by brilliant minds - however I see your point, but scientests developing theorys usually don't ignore the populace.

And also, not minding, and liking are not two different things. I think you'll find that the same part of the brain is responsable for defing both, they are more similar than many other functions, still, you manipulated my cautious use of the wording 'don't mind'. If you read any of my previous post, I do understand that the biological process of attraction happens n a subconscious level, and have alreay siad so.

I'm not even going to bother with replying to the third major assumtion in your post, hopefully you figure it out yourself, however I will say this. When you are aruging something, if you can not see the views of the other side while undertanding why they are that way and aknowleding that, you really shouldn't feel you have a right to advocate your own point. Not until you know everything that counters it and still believe in it, otherwise you do nothing to benifit what you are saying.


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Men vs. Women https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=643.msg8620#msg8620
« Reply #33 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:13 pm »

I REALLY don't think that's why men like women with big breasts, but that's just me.
What I said is backed up by decades of scientific research. What you think is irrelevant. It is no surprise to me that most people don't believe this. After all majority of people ignore science and believe in ridiculous things like God etc.

. His opinion does matter, what do you think science is based on, opinions and theroys collectivly gathered, not narrow-mindedness and insults. So far, most people have agreed with this biological breast theroy, just stated that it is no longer that much of an important reason in the modern world and is moer a thing of the past, and of course he wouldn't think this if his body was programed to think of it differently. Also, wtf bring god into this?

But it is true that some men do actually prefer smaller breasts. There are all kinds of freaks in the world. :)

You call everyone a liar, ignore their reasons for saying something, then call the ones who don't lie freaks? Does it occur to you that humans overiding their biological programing from thousands of years ago is evlolution in itself? Not only sexual body parts are taken into consideration when defineing attraction chemically, so most people really don't mind small breast or an average sized penis. If you ever do anything science related, I hope they don't send you to collect any anecdotal evidence, you'll tell everyone they're wrong. Science is incomplete.


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Men vs. Women https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=643.msg8621#msg8621
« Reply #34 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:13 pm »

It depends on what "effects" you are referring to. You aren't being too clear about that so I'm not entirely sure of your stance.

I would argue that hardly any differences between men and women are due to evolution. To say this is to say that men and women have evolved differently. However, we have the same genes, the only difference is that women have no Y chromosome while men do. The "effects" I believe you are referring to are simply a result of the passing of culture over the past several thousand years.

If you could explain further then I might see what you really mean.
Hmm, on a side note to that, while some differances may be due to evolution (like how birds know not to land on wire fences, not anything really tracable) most are probably chemical, and cultural in the sense that there are different views placed on men and women from an early age.

Socrdawg, could you please answer the hardest question ever IMO? ( Next to how the world was formed, etc ) Why do women find it they have to bitch about everything?
The world was formed when a large enough mass started having a gravatational field, and attracting more mss to it, then had a metor or some other way of transferance in which bacteria survived and found it could flourish on earth. The harder question is the universe; but correct me on the world thing, I may not be right, actually, I'm probably not, but it's close enough.

The women being bitch-y about everything, well, by that reasoning every women on this forum would be complaing about your question, so maybe change that question to 'some women, for all their own reasons', instead of just women. :)


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Men vs. Women https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=643.msg8622#msg8622
« Reply #35 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:13 pm »

I would still argue that most of what you're talking about is a type of cultural evolution rather than a biological one. I'm not saying biology isn't a factor, I'm saying culture has a larger role than you think.
Culture has a huge affect on a lot of things but not on those things I talked about.

It's the same thing with women breasts. No matter what culture, men like big breasts, and that's not going to change anytime soon, not even if our culture would totally change. Why do men like big breasts? Men like them because it implies that the woman can feed her babies better. Again.. it's evolution. Aside from size, breast shape is also important. Saggy breasts imply being old (aka not being able to reproduce).

Like I said before, these are behavior models that have been programmed into out genes. Culture has no affect on it. Culture affects more on things like fashion, music, etc. Our genes take care of the more important stuff.
I REALLY don't think that's why men like women with big breasts, but that's just me.
Perhaps that's why we're hardwired to like them, but I can almost guarantee that no man EVER thinks of that when he sees them. Now days, it's all about sexual gratification.
Nowadays, you're right, the reason behind why we think we like big breasts are better is sexual, however I do believe scaredgirl is right in saying that it is still deeply rooted to biological factors, however I also think that over time culture effects some of the biological programing we have. However, we all are generlizing this. That person who gave that 80-20% statistic, that actually applies to only 80% of each gender thinks like there gender does, the other 20% think like the other. :) Interesting huh? Remeber, all our bodies are programed for species survival, and breasts are like the plumage of a birds in a way, there're there to attract mates.

However, we have overriden quiet a bit of our original biological factors, like socrdawg said, some men do prefer smaller breast. Likewise some women prefer 'cute' men, over manly men.

