I have to step up and agree with Scaredgirl.
The Moderators on ANY part of kongregate, Whether forum or chat, are a bunch of A**Holes. They dont get paid for their job, and if they do they suck balls for it, so they dont really care about their positions. None the matter though, for even if your aren't 'Paid' for your job, you should still try to show some respect. Little children who go so far as accusing Zanzarino of theft, violating of copyright, or by extention violation of federal law, deserve nothing more than to be locked away in juevanile(?) facilities immediately. I have had bad experiences with moderators on the site and in the chatroom, so I would know about there stupidy and douchebaggery. Yes, kongregate is a fun little game-dumping ground where people upload their game for their friends to see, but when it comes to staff personnel, they are a bunch of fat lazy douchebags who dont care for anything but themselves. They are on a 24/7 power trip, and need to be demoted and replaced with sensible people who accually give a damn. Sorry for my rant, thats all I have to say about Kongregate staff.
On the other hand, Kongregate itself (The website) is an excellent place and I give it a 5/5

But the staff gets a -5/5 from me. >:|