For those that don't know, the admins permit everyone to have one free name change. This hasn't really been taken advantage of until the start of last year, when all the card curators changed their name within a month of each other.
Name Changes
Napalm Grenade → ~Napalm
Malebolgia → Captain Scibra
Iman00b8 → n00b
thenewguy → thatnewguy
Unit748596 → Unit → Tyranim → FunkyFox
Ryan666 → Yggdrasill
girlsgeneration → GG
Gl1tch → Glitch
light_sefi → rosutosefi
9270984 → TheCrazyMango
kevkev60614 → kev
TikoTribe → Tiko
BrandenC9 → CrockettRocket
Dm1321 → Dm
Zblader → ZephyrPhantom
deathreign3 → iDaire
ADStormBolt → ADTiezuStorm
Frozengaia → Espithel
jonathancrazyj → JonathanCrazyJ
Clean0nion → CleanOnion
qwerter → DoubleCapitals
Puff → Sera
MeowMeowCat → Solaris
morningstar → Ryli
Kinkykitten624 → Lunaris
Discord → Zyardran
fabian771 → Naii_the_Baf
Zanzarino → Submachine