As is no surprise to anyone as something I forecasted long ago, I only stayed thus far for staff work, as, contrary to what most popular belief may lead, I can very arguably say I'm the staff who worked the most in 2014, but of course no one gives two fucks because hey, it's me; let's ignore all the newsletters made pretty much solo, tournaments ran/tweaked, revival of competition section, revival of council as a whole, and tell Dm in private about how shit his personality is and that he is a terrible staff member who should quit the community ASAP. And no, I am not blowing it out of proportions; but screenshots constitute private things and this is not the place for that.
Regardless I do not specifically care for any of this, but it does get really tiring to see some of you vitimizing yourselves over and over again. So with uni starting and no desire to stick around with most of you, I'm out. If you see me in chat, I'm there to talk with very few people of which most of you are not included, and I will ignore any attempt to talk to me if you are not one of the aforementioned people.
No time is without good people so below are some of you to whom I specifically thanks for help with various things. Some may not be around but if you are I'd definitely talk to you all.
No more posts from here onwards. I may have forgotten some people, but it is way more likely I just don't really care about you or we did not interact enough.