I would like your thoughts on something like this;
This game is very international. Why not use this for information? I was going to pitch this idea to the News Letter Writing team but upon more thought it wouldn't really fit there. So the idea.
I want to start a program thingy where we get a group of people from a country here on the forums and we can ask them questions about their culture, things going on in their country, what stereotypes are true/false, etc. This can be a bi-weekly or monthly thing. So for example, some protests have been going on in Hungary,
Wyand and
Submachine are both Hungarian so if we could get them to answer any questions about these protests and see some first hand views on it that our media may not cover. I know the U.S media has done very little coverage on the Hungary protests so I would like to have some things answered. Now these interviews dont have to take place only when there is issues going on, but we can have some fun ones as well. You could ask
InsignificantWeeaboo if all Americans really have guns, or you could ask
ji412jo what his thoughts are on Canada legalizing marijuana. WDYT?
I cant figure out how to do a poll but when i do, i will do a poll for this!now with 100% more poll!