Just bumping this to state that I did an update and that this project is all but dead.
If you wonder: I both do now and did in the begining have an Excel document containing the table for all the games. That document also contains a table showing what stages are used when, and how many times total. Last thing I have in that document is a list over all the generals (not counting each general more than once per element), this may help me plan a little since some members have been general for more than one element (still not talking about master title).
I also, "for teh lulz", created a document in a math program where I use parametric formulas to animate different bullet paterns (I use one variable that loops over time, as a result the graphs changes with it making the animation, I also use dotted lines for the functions so I don't have to make one function for each bullet). This is only for experimental purposes and will most likely not be as easy (if at all possible to me) to do in an actuall danmaku game.
I usually edit my posts rather than making a new one, but I thought this was more or less neccesary since I'd imagine that people don't like making necro posts.