Hi. It's Niels. I'm gonna talk only on my behalf, not Hans or Matt. Just me.
I, uh, noticed some crucial changes in my behavioral pattern, most of which are good, i.e. I don't feel miserable and not everything I do is a failure or a waste of time. In fact, I feel more confident about my art than ever! That said, growing up as a person and as an artist may have... backfired: my newfound confidence in that I'm better than I thought, turned itself into a firm belief that I'm the biggest and most important in the community and anyone who states otherwise will have to be disregarded as a liar.
Now, there are a lot of issues with both being too melancholic, as well as too obnoxious, but as far as my own opinion is concerned, I'd rather go back to my melancholic state of mind rather than belittling people because they don't fit my vision of how things work. It seems to me that a lot of our actions have been infact harmful, whether it was an offensive joke that wasn't as clear of a joke as I had intended, or systematically pushing myself into another person's life, even though there was, and still is, no place for me or my brothers. Speaking of which, even Hans and Matthias have been pushed away by me, and that really goes to show how messed up things have gotten.
I don't really know what to do from here. Last thing I want to become is this ignorant slug who just keeps hurting people without realising it. So, til We come up with something better, can you lot do me a favour and call me out on whatever crap I'll be doing that hurts others? I really don't wanna be this way. Thank you.
-kind regards, Nicklas Andersen.