The genders of the False Gods have been discussed many times before, in many threads, and what I had wanted to do was gather the information from all those threads, which would have been incredibly tedious, and get one sheet of information to see what percentage of people that XX FG was male and ZZ FG was female, but while I was looking through some previous FG gender threads I found this, (,8623.0.html) which made my task easier. To make it even better, that was exactly 80 posts, which meant if I multiplied the amount of votes each FG had gotten by 1.25 I would easily get the percentage. (Believe me - I suck at math, if had been anything more difficult, I would've given up.) I may change latter to make it more aesthetically appealing, but until then:
Chaos Lord Conclusion - Male
73 (92.5%) 7 (7.5%)
Dark Matter Conclusion - Male
58 (73.5%) 22 (26.5%)
64 (81.25%) 16 (18.75%)
Destiny Conclusion - Female
16 (21.25%) 64 (78.75%)
Divine Glory Conclusion - Female
19 (23.75%) 61 (76.75%)
Dream Catcher Conclusion - Female
23 (28.75%) 57 (71.25%)
Elidnis Conclusion - Female
23 (28.75%) 57 (71.25%)
Eternal Phoenix Conclusion - Female
35 (45%) 45 (55%)
45 (55%) 35 (45%)
Fire Queen Conclusion - Female
2 (2.5%) 78 (97.5%)
Gemini Conclusion - Female
37 (46.25%) 43 (53.75%)
Graviton Conclusion - Male
71 (88.75%) 9 (11.25%)
72 (90%) 8 (10%)
Incarnate Conclusion - Male
67 (83.75%) 13 (16.25%)
Miracle Conclusion - Female
14 (17.5%) 66 (82.5%)
66 (82.5%) 14 (17.5%)
Neptune Conclusion - Male
59 (73.75%) 21 (16.25%)
Obliterator Conclusion - Male
72 (90%) 8 (10%)
56 (70%) 24 (30%)
63 (78.75%) 17 (22.25%)
Paradox Conclusion - Male
41 (51.25%) 39 (48.75%)
Rainbow Conclusion - Female
21 (26.25%) 59 (73.75%)
Scorpio Conclusion - Male
61 (76.25%) 19 (23.75%)
71 (88.75%) 9 (11.25%)
As a slight bonus, here is the Element's Genders: (getting the percents for this sucked, as there were 55 votes.)
Water Conclusion - Female
8 (14.56%) 47 (85.44%)
Fire Conclusion - Male
46 (83.72%) 9 (16.28%)
Earth Conclusion - Male
47 (85.54%) 8 (14.46%)
Air Conclusion - Female
7 (12.74%) 48 (87.26%)
Light Conclusion - Female
6 (10.92%) 49 (89.08%)
Darkness Conclusion - Male
44 (80.08%) 11 (19.92%)
Life Conclusion - Female
6 (10.92%) 49 (89.08%)
Death Conclusion - Male
46 (83.72%) 9 (16.28%)
Gravity Conclusion - Male
44 (80.08%) 11 (19.92%)
Entropy Conclusion - Female
16 (29.12%) 39 (70.88%)
Time Conclusion - Male
28 (50.96%) 27 (49.04%)
Aether Conclusion - Female
21 (38.22%) 34 (61.78%)
Disclaimer - Obviously none of this is official, and I don't presume to say that just because Paradox got 2 more votes for being a male that now means he can ONLY be male, or that if you call Gravity a 'she' you are now wrong. I did this only for my own amusement and then decided to share, that is all.
Note: My math skills are absolutely terrible, if you see
anything that doesn't make sense, go ahead and say so.