Do we have more elitists? Yes I believe we do.
Is this a problem? Well it depends on the circumstance.
If the person is, as you stated, belittling another user whether it be a newbie or a vet, then that's a problem because differing opinions usually bring about a better understanding of how to meet the needs of everyone or at least how to compromise better.
However, an attitude of elitism by itself is not a bad thing at all. In fact, it displays a desire to:
1) Improve the community and the forums to make it better and more welcoming for newer players (keep them involved in the game).
2) Adhere to the rules set in place here to make the community and the forums a better place for everyone.
In saying that, is it bad to want for everyone to reflect a good image on Elements the Game? I myself consider the forums an extension of the game itself and therefore would want each person who posts and adds their thoughts here on a daily basis to portray the game in a positive light. People can get carried away with this which is indeed a problem, but the concept itself is admirable. Perhaps belittling is caused by an overemphasis on being elite or by objectifying that quality more than one should.
I consider myself an elitist to an extent. Sometimes I admittedly do get carried away with my focus on improving the forums by losing patience with people who I feel do not understand what I am trying to achieve, although I usually take note of these instances when they occur and make an effort to prevent the situation from escalating. I try to make sure that the information people present to others is correct and appropriate for the reason stated above and will not hesitate to correct anyone, whether it be a vet or a newbie, if I know for a fact that what is presented as the truth is indeed incorrect. So while I believe that my intentions are nothing but good-willed, my own personal flaws are what I believe cause problems. In truth I believe this applies to everyone and not just me personally.
Does the above make me a bad person? Only you can decide that.