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Re: Elements Hierarchy https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=20101.msg255434#msg255434
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2011, 07:59:47 pm »
:air:water because water is h20 and oxygen is air.
This is wrong. Because air is mostly Nitrogen.
Pure oxygen would still be categorized as :air, so I think it's valid enough.

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Re: Elements Hierarchy https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=20101.msg255438#msg255438
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2011, 08:01:48 pm »
 :gravity:light  because gravity is required for stars to be able to perform fission, which produces light.
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Re: Elements Hierarchy https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=20101.msg256780#msg256780
« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2011, 03:26:27 am »
For sake of this, I don't really think anything can top :time, as basically all of the other ones require time to progress. After time, I think :gravity has the rest beat because without it, matter will never condense into anything.

Does anyone else have thoughts? They don't have to be super in depth reasons, little silly quips will be fine.

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Re: Elements Hierarchy https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=20101.msg256786#msg256786
« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2011, 03:34:10 am »
Looks like it's a fun... err... game, if I could say that.
Don't know about anything except the common rules, such as:
 :life ><  :death
 :light ><  :darkness
My idealized elements cycle:
Water -> Fire -> Air -> Earth -> Lightning -> Metal -> Light -> Darkness -> Wood -> Water


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Re: Elements Hierarchy https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=20101.msg256797#msg256797
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2011, 03:48:12 am »
 :entropy> :aether> :time> :gravity

Entropy trumps everything as entropy is what made the universe exist at all. Next is Aether because it represents space, without which time and gravity would not be able to act. Then time because Time can exist without gravity but not vice versa.

If I continue and do a full ranking... My one question is what darkness actually represents... if it represents absence then I think it trumps everything, but it if it represents invisibility(not absence) then it doesnt....

Anyhow here is my guess
 :entropy> :aether> :time> :darkness> :gravity> :light> :air> :fire> :earth> :water> :life> :death

Death is last because of the incredible complexity it takes to achieve it. You have to have life, which requires water (as far as we know) and energy (light in our case) Fire is greater than water as thermodynamics control Earth and make it habitable as well as the sun if you count fission as Fire. Air is greater than Fire as Air/gases are what make up stars. Light is greater than air because light exists independent of air (ie in space). Gravity beats light because it can bend it. Darkness beats gravity because "dark" or invisible particles are what create mass to begin with.

And my previous argument applies from there (though I inserted darkness in)

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Re: Elements Hierarchy https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=20101.msg256798#msg256798
« Reply #17 on: January 25, 2011, 03:55:32 am »
Uh uh, Aether is that of alternate dimensions and somewhat imaginary, this it should be ranked much lower. As has already been stated, darkness is nothing more than a lack of light, so down it goes as well. Entropy...is chaos within other things, and is definitely not the highest ranked.

Offline Monox D. I-Fly

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Re: Elements Hierarchy https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=20101.msg256815#msg256815
« Reply #18 on: January 25, 2011, 04:36:10 am »
Darkness beats gravity because "dark" or invisible particles are what create mass to begin with.
Khihihi48x... I like this.
Darkness beats Gravity because Darkness absorbs everything. So its gravitation is supposed to be higher than Gravity itself.
My idealized elements cycle:
Water -> Fire -> Air -> Earth -> Lightning -> Metal -> Light -> Darkness -> Wood -> Water


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Re: Elements Hierarchy https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=20101.msg256831#msg256831
« Reply #19 on: January 25, 2011, 04:51:01 am »
I think  :aether and  :time should be placed as the rulers of all elements.
there is a great dilema on which of these are more important.
think about it, obviously without  :time matter could not advance through its stages, hence not existing at all, but without  :aether Matter cannot exist full stop as Aether is the very space which all mass occupies.
and without Mass,  :time has no reason to exist since it alters all Matter in existence.


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Re: Elements Hierarchy https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=20101.msg256835#msg256835
« Reply #20 on: January 25, 2011, 05:00:59 am »
Darkness beats gravity because "dark" or invisible particles are what create mass to begin with.
Khihihi48x... I like this.
Darkness beats Gravity because Darkness absorbs everything. So its gravitation is supposed to be higher than Gravity itself.
How exactly does :darkness absorb :gravity? Gravity is a force so I fail to see how it can be absorbed by something.

Also, on the physics side, those dark particles are composed of mass. They don't create it.

My choice so far looks something like this:
:time > :gravity  > :life > :death > :aether with the other 7 mixed in there somewhere. :time and :gravity are definitely the top though.
:air > :fire
:air > :water maybe?

Doing the middle is the hard part, as many of the things can exist separately. For instance, neither :air nor :earth really needs the other one at all.
I think  :aether and  :time should be placed as the rulers of all elements.
there is a great dilema on which of these are more important.
think about it, obviously without  :time matter could not advance through its stages, hence not existing at all, but without  :aether Matter cannot exist full stop as Aether is the very space which all mass occupies.
and without Mass,  :time has no reason to exist since it alters all Matter in existence.
The issue I take with :aether is that the literal concept of :aether was shown to be completely and utterly false. Space exists, aether doesn't. The concepts are similar but not the same. Aether is the matter that occupies the empty space, but this matter doesn't exist.

There seems to be some disagreement on the idea of :aether. Some are saying that aether=space, others are not. What are people's general feelings on the subject?


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Re: Elements Hierarchy https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=20101.msg256842#msg256842
« Reply #21 on: January 25, 2011, 05:24:31 am »
Entropy, if used in the terms of chaos, has to be the top because it started the universe.

If you want to say it is a specific property of thermodynamics, than maybe you can argue it is lower.

I guess you could argue that Time would be first, but what is Time when nothing exists? Time is a measure and if there is nothing to measure what are you left with?

As for Aether, I am just working under the assumption of Time-Space and that Aether represents space. While Aether may not have originally meant space in the general sense, it definitely referred to another "kind" of space.

I think for simplicity's sake we shouldn't take it to me some fanciful catch all phrase to explain mysteries, but rather a more modern version of space.


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Re: Elements Hierarchy https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=20101.msg256953#msg256953
« Reply #22 on: January 25, 2011, 02:04:27 pm »
I think  :aether and  :time should be placed as the rulers of all elements.
there is a great dilema on which of these are more important.
think about it, obviously without  :time matter could not advance through its stages, hence not existing at all, but without  :aether Matter cannot exist full stop as Aether is the very space which all mass occupies.
and without Mass,  :time has no reason to exist since it alters all Matter in existence.
The issue I take with :aether is that the literal concept of :aether was shown to be completely and utterly false. Space exists, aether doesn't. The concepts are similar but not the same. Aether is the matter that occupies the empty space, but this matter doesn't exist.

There seems to be some disagreement on the idea of :aether. Some are saying that aether=space, others are not. What are people's general feelings on the subject?
I´m sorry but i find that your saying of Aether being shown as false lacks the actual impression of it being "Officially" proven false. I´ve searched many times for information on Aether and i´ve many articles made from different people that have conducted experiments based on their knowledge of space in order to proove that Aether does exist.
And most of their articles state things based on theri experiments such as, that Aether is a medium that pervades space, it is the building block of all matter etc. based on what i gather thats pretty much = space 
At least there´s that much but i can´t find anything based on "Aether being Officially classifed as a false concept".
If u know of a page where Aether has been officially classified as false, please link me.

Entropy, if used in the terms of chaos, has to be the top because it started the universe.

If you want to say it is a specific property of thermodynamics, than maybe you can argue it is lower.

I guess you could argue that Time would be first, but what is Time when nothing exists? Time is a measure and if there is nothing to measure what are you left with?

As for Aether, I am just working under the assumption of Time-Space and that Aether represents space. While Aether may not have originally meant space in the general sense, it definitely referred to another "kind" of space.

I think for simplicity's sake we shouldn't take it to me some fanciful catch all phrase to explain mysteries, but rather a more modern version of space.
it could be argued that Time itself allowed the universe to start meaning it was there right before the point where the universe started, it makes sense since it couldn´t be the reverse.
remember time is what alters everything to the point which everything continues its stages of existence.
without time, nothing could exist because matter would have to initiate it´s primal stage/birth in order to first reach existence and continue in it´s cycle.

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Re: Elements Hierarchy https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=20101.msg256992#msg256992
« Reply #23 on: January 25, 2011, 03:46:51 pm »
:darkness > anything else. Darkness is absolute absence of any existing form. It requires no other element to exist, under any circumstances. The lack of existence is the true form of Darkness.
Perception is the source of misunderstanding.

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