Darkness beats gravity because "dark" or invisible particles are what create mass to begin with.
Khihihi48x... I like this.
Darkness beats Gravity because Darkness absorbs everything. So its gravitation is supposed to be higher than Gravity itself.
How exactly does


? Gravity is a force so I fail to see how it can be absorbed by something.
Also, on the physics side, those dark particles are composed of mass. They don't create it.
My choice so far looks something like this:





with the other 7 mixed in there somewhere.


are definitely the top though.




Doing the middle is the hard part, as many of the things can exist separately. For instance, neither


really needs the other one at all.
I think
should be placed as the rulers of all elements.
there is a great dilema on which of these are more important.
think about it, obviously without
matter could not advance through its stages, hence not existing at all, but without
Matter cannot exist full stop as Aether is the very space which all mass occupies.
and without Mass,
has no reason to exist since it alters all Matter in existence.
The issue I take with

is that the literal concept of

was shown to be completely and utterly false. Space exists, aether doesn't. The concepts are similar but not the same. Aether is the matter that occupies the empty space, but this matter doesn't exist.
There seems to be some disagreement on the idea of

. Some are saying that aether=space, others are not. What are people's general feelings on the subject?