everynight for the last 6 days so far. i have the same dream.
it is kinda dark like early morn, or late evening. i am moveing through a city walking for hours, i keep feeling like im not here/ like this isnt me. i wonder if im running from something, or am i going somewhere for a reason. i get to this cornor, i am in a house there is someone there. and i catch fire, and fire flows up all around me, it is dark and gray, all except the flames.
(first night i awoke screaming i am burning its burning it burns" my woman grabd my hand and i slumpt comfortedly back into the same dream.)
i am outside the building now, and i continue walking its as 'not night' as it always is. this time though i am afraid, so i know im iether looking for someone, or someone is out to get me. so i search and eventually find this person. and i get into a fight with him
(on the third night woman woke me at the moment i cut his throat-denying me the actuall kill).
(last night the dream was only different in that he/it was winning, and i was flailing my arms, trying to defend my self. my woman grabbd my hand and i fell back to sleep comfortably.)
ea. night i burn, i fight, i kill or am killd. it follows the same path.
so that is my dream. one that i hope doesnt repeat agian.