Has anyone else tried these before? It's basically sounds that induce a certain effect on your brain. You can read more about it here:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binaural_beatsHalf of what's on my iPod is this stuff lol... but I haven't really gotten any to work on me, except a few of the sleep related ones, but that just may be because you are supposed to get relaxed and be in a dark place when you use this stuff, so your entire attention can be directed towards the sound. If you want to try them, I know of two companies (I think anyway) that do this, BinBeats (not sure on spelling/spacing), and I-doser (what I have). You can find torrents of them online if you feel like getting them to try out, and I think the companies give you a few sample ones to try out so you can see if they work on you or not (it's similar to hypnotism in that some people are more easily suggestible than others).
Anyway, let me know if you've tried this stuff out or not, or if you plan on trying it. Just a warning though, most "doses" (what tracks are called) are 30+ minutes long, so only do it when you have time.
Oh and just a description of one that's worked for me, last night I tried "Theta" right when I went to bed, and I would have 3-10 second visual/audio clips randomly pop into my head. The interesting thing was, I was aware that they were there, but it's like they were in the background of my mind... my attention was on what I was thinking about, but my brain was basically tricked into giving me short dreams. These visions weren't related in any way to what I was thinking about either. Also, if you look at the wiki page, you'll notice that Theta waves are associated with REM sleep and dreaming (which is why I tried it).
I think I'm on the end of people that aren't very suggestible, so there's a good chance that you'll have more successes than I will.