This is a very ambitious project; 17 Cosplayers from everywhere around the world want to meet and do 9 themed photoshoots and an 18 month calendar together. They will also attend London MCM Comic Con in October where it will be possible to meet them.
I think (correct me if I am wrong) nothing like this has been done before and it would be awesome if it worked out.
For many of the participating cosplayers this project would be the fulfillment of their dreams. I think they are both nice and fairly talented, so I would say that they deserve it!
Unfortunately (as always), there is a problem of financial nature. Because of that they started a kickstarter (link below). For pledging you will also get rewards: Most of them are postcards, Posters and the mentioned calendar, but you can also become a zombie (if you are into that) and other things.
So well, if you want to support cosplay, supporting this project by becoming a backer and/or sharing this might be a good way to do so.
If you want to get further information or back the project, you should have a look at their official Kickstartersite: