
Which cards are OP?

10 (2.6%)
Bone Wall
6 (1.6%)
Black Hole
25 (6.5%)
11 (2.8%)
Dimensional/Phase Shield
31 (8%)
15 (3.9%)
24 (6.2%)
Graboid/Elite Graboid
21 (5.4%)
Ghost of the Past
15 (3.9%)
Gravity Nymph
12 (3.1%)
7 (1.8%)
7 (1.8%)
2 (0.5%)
Purple Nymph
6 (1.6%)
Quantum Pillar/Tower
8 (2.1%)
Reverse Time/Rewind
20 (5.2%)
Shard of Divinity
1 (0.3%)
Shard of Focus
87 (22.5%)
Shard of Readiness
7 (1.8%)
Shard of Sacrifice
60 (15.5%)
None of them
11 (2.8%)

Total Members Voted: 175


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Re: [POLL] Which Cards are Overpowered? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4031.msg117665#msg117665
« Reply #96 on: July 18, 2010, 08:17:39 pm »
Hope is the last card I feel deserving of mention.  Just get rid of it's protectedness and it'll be balanced.
I agree with the gist of your post, though I can think of many more ways to counter EQ (the only one I closely read) than you listed. It still may need a small nerf (like always leaving one pillar/tower in a stack) but otherwise I think it's good.

However, hope I disagree with. Hope is protected to make it a shield that's countered in a different way.

Instead of permanent control like most shields, hope is countered by creature control.

For instance:
Titanium shield = countered by perm control, creature control can't stop it.
Hope = countered by creature control, perm control can't stop it.

Now for fairness's sake, let's assume you're fractaling RoLs with it. Otherwise it may actually need a buff since there's so much more creature control possibilities versus perm control.

Perm Control:

Area Creature Control:
Rain of Fire
(Any reusable control like oty or lobo if given time)

So it seems balanced to me.

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Re: [POLL] Which Cards are Overpowered? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4031.msg117673#msg117673
« Reply #97 on: July 18, 2010, 08:23:34 pm »
Well, the last one is just person preference to be honest.


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Re: [POLL] Which Cards are Overpowered? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4031.msg117761#msg117761
« Reply #98 on: July 18, 2010, 11:30:30 pm »
And just because there is a way to counter a card does not mean it is fair and balanced
You're completely right. However...

I'm talking about multiple counters. Like at least three ARCHETYPES (not just decks. archetypes.)

And the presence if a MULTITUDE of counters does indeed mean it is fair and balanced.
So... How many counters are there to say quint? There's spell, two creatures that give quints, and several with built-in immortality.
Counters are shields, and only shields. Thorn Carapace being the only really effective counter to actually kill the creature. Fireshield is too slow, gets you killed probably anyway, Permafrost only works IF RNG likes you to stall long enough, and IF creatures attack is higher than barrier. Counter to those shields are again perma control and momentum.
Counter to quinted momentumed creature doesnt exist.
Also, its not Oty that was ever OP, its quinted Oty.

Now, how many decks/archetypes actually use Carapace?

Finally, why is :aether so important for Fake Gods, cheating decks? It is because cards like Quint and Fractal are there. You call them "powerful", I call them "too powerful". They are, by your definition, integral and strongest part of decks that can actually beat AI that draws 2 cards, and has triple the mark quanta generator. Rol/Hope deck is not great because of Hope, its because of fractal. Rainbow FG decks are not great because of whatever, its because of Quint, Supernova (by far strongest quanta generator in the game), and finally best stalling cards - SoGs. All 3 cards are way more powerful than other cards in those decks.
Now, if those cards get a nerf, grinding FGs would be near impossible, and in all honesty, I dont even care if those are nerfed. On the other hand, I would LOVE to see a real, direct counter to quint. If there is a way to make ANY mortal creature immortal, there damn sure has to be a way to make them mortal again short of hoping your shield kills them.

Now, there is no "I-WIN" card in Elements, and thats good. But calling everything balanced because of it is naive and boringly passive way on looking at things.
Fog shield gives 40% miss for 1 quanta, Dusk gives 50% for 4 quanta. How is that balanced? Is it because :air sucks and :darkness doesnt?
Steal got nerfed by upping cost by 1 quanta? Steal destroys your opponents permanent AND gives it to you. Insanely cheap.
Explosion costs 1 quanta? 1 quanta you can use right after you place your tower to destroy something called "permanent"? Gay. Sole reason why Fake Gods with that card are a nightmare. Sure, I'll wait that 7 quanta to play my Permafrost/Carapace... oh wait, boom.
Finally, there's something called Protect Artifact; really cheap spell. Except actual card spot in your deck is worth a lot more than couple of quanta. And when packing Explosion is very well justified, packing 2 cards per permanent and hoping to draw both is not.

Basically, "hard control" (destruction) of permanents is way too cheap in this game, and when faced against deck that has those, your only hope is that your deck does not rely on permanents. THAT is not a counter. That is something you have to hope you guessed right.

Actually it is complete opposite of that.
At current metagame, winner is often decided before the match. Who managed to blindly pick a "perfect counter". THAT is boring.
Finally, balance of cards does not mean all decks are completely equal.
Blindly? There's nothing blindly about it. I know some people have spread sheets (I don't) of every championship league match they've played to discover tendencies, such as Terro trends towards speed rainbow in the first match and then goes to fire stall (I have no clue if this is accurate). Or you use mindgames on your opponent to make them think something, like one time maybe taking a long time to switch decks and never actually switching. Or very loudly stating "lemme have a minute to switch" and take a long time, and then actually switch hoping they'll assume you're bluffing.
As I said, blind rock-paper-scissors. I think Demagog? or someone, numerate their decks and let you pick a number before a match. Now, if deck A counters deck B, it doesnt really matter if your deck is actually optimized better for draws/quanta usage, it doesnt matter HOW you play your cards, your deck is countered before match begun by a blind number picking and the game is decided. That is a boring metagame for me. Part of that showed in the war too. And in the war, you actually had a decent idea of what you'll be facing.

If the cards would be more balanced among themselves, optimizing decks and actual card playing skill would become much more important.
Maybe, that's where micro nerfs come in. Currently macro nerfs aren't anywhere close to being needed.

And currently, actual card playing needs no almost no skill at all. The skill is in the deck building. In fact, in some ways, things such as quicksands prowess or supernova's power results in the only skill needed (play 1 tower at a time against earth decks, black holing at the right time, etc). Otherwise playing the cards is largely skill-less.

Nerfing some cards like sog or quicksand (well, nerfing them in a large way) would greatly reduce the possible deck choices. And I'm not even talking about hugely competitive decks. I'm talking about niche decks that are just for fun or can compete but not at a high level (things like pharaohs for instance).
No one here is discussing magnitude of possible nerfs. No one here is even discussing nerfs. People here are discussing balance. Zanzarino is the one that should consider nerfs.

Also, making cards more balanced among themselves, will not reduce possible deck choices, it will actually give you MORE possible deck choices. It is the only logical thing to conclude, as more cards will be "viable". If you DONT have to pick Fractal/Quint/SoG to fight Fake Gods, then you'll have more options in building deck. There are shitload of decks that are just not good enough because they are not as fast as Shrieker/Immo/Supernova decks. Say we live in a crazy crazy world where most powerful cards actually get nerfed to be more in line with other cards. Would that give you less building options or more building options?

Finally, balance of cards does not mean all decks are completely equal.
Of course not. It means that in the metagame when all decks are optimized, or even for beginners who just get optimized decks off the forum, the decks WOULD be equal.

And if you're saying that some cards still counter other cards, well, why change anything save for a few minor cost adjustments? Since that's how it is right now, after all.
No, wrong logic. Balance does not mean equal decks. Yes, I'm saying some cards still counter other cards. Why NOT change something if it will give more versatile and interesting gameplay? Why being content with some card stats that are actually pretty arbitrary, without any real and serious testing of their actual influence on the gameplay? Testing phase in trainer serves just to see if those cards are broken or not. If not, they are implemented. That is all balancing this game has.
Game works as it is. However, it IS possible to make it better. Having cards that are completely unusable in competitive play, or cards that are a must in competitive play is... 1) waste of cards, 2) boring as hell.


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Re: [POLL] Which Cards are Overpowered? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4031.msg117784#msg117784
« Reply #99 on: July 19, 2010, 12:10:35 am »
Fractal? Is a noobish spam tool right naow... plus the phase shield for which i cant vote.

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Re: [POLL] Which Cards are Overpowered? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4031.msg118310#msg118310
« Reply #100 on: July 19, 2010, 03:45:43 pm »
I would propose putting in more ways to counter a card that's currently to powerful rather than modifying the card that's already in the game.

To use quintessence as an example: Yes this is a potent card, and many combos using it are extremely hard to deal with (i.e. Quinted Oty) and very few decks can bypass an immortal creature well enough to actually be effective against t hem.

It seems to me the answer is fairly simple: introduce more cards that can hurt immortal creatures. If I can here include a bit of a shameless plug, I've recently introduced several "trap" cards in the card idea suggestion section that do just that.

As far as cards like SoG and sundial, I don't think they're OP (well, sundial certainly isn't anymore after the unbernerf . . .) so much as they are unique. Many decks don't have any effective source of healing except for SOG, so if they want to heal themselves they only really have 1 option.

Fractal too, yes it's a very potent card, but I think the main reason it's seen so often  is that it combines well with a huge variety of decks/other cards, and that there is no other card that's similar. Fractal can be used to swarm a huge number of creatures quickly, but there's already a lot of cards in the game that deal with swarms quite effectively (Any  spell that hits the whole enemy field, most shields, unstable gas).

If you still think fractal is OP then you can introduce more counters: spells that are dependent on how many creatures your opponent have, more field effect creature control, or things that trigger when your opponent plays a creature.

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Re: [POLL] Which Cards are Overpowered? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4031.msg118441#msg118441
« Reply #101 on: July 19, 2010, 07:40:18 pm »
When you create an overpowered counter card like Black Hole to deal with rainbow decks & Supernova it's just exacerbating the problem; instead of one OP card now you have two OP cards.  Counter cards are bad.  Any time you have a card that is designed to specifically shut down a particular strategy it just contributes to the rock-paper-scissors style gameplay that Malduk is talking about.

It is much preferable to have stealth nerfs like the poisonous when eaten abilty, because Chrysaora is still a useful card even when it isn't being eaten by an immortal Oty.

No one here is discussing magnitude of possible nerfs. No one here is even discussing nerfs. People here are discussing balance. Zanzarino is the one that should consider nerfs.
Well it isn't Which Cards are Overpowered and What Do You Think Should Be Done About It?  But discussions of balancing inevitably bring up discussions of nerfs as solutions.. and that is ok.  Though I humbly ask if anyone really wants to talk about their nerf ideas they should start a new thread for it.

Offline ratcharmer

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Re: [POLL] Which Cards are Overpowered? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4031.msg118453#msg118453
« Reply #102 on: July 19, 2010, 07:54:17 pm »
I didn't say an OP counter, I said more counters. I think what makes most OP cards OP is that most deck types do not have access to an effective counter strategy, which forces people to abandon that deck and design one specifically against the card in question. This is what leads to the rock-paper-scissors effect.

In my previous posts on this topic I actually used poisonous creatures as one of my favorite examples of introducing a counter-strategy.

As a final note I have to say that I honestly don't think black hole is OP. I run an entropybow and I can semi-consistently beat decks that have Gravity nymphs. Considering that this is pretty much exactly the technique designed to beat my deck, and I can still win against it, I don't think it counts as OP.


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Re: [POLL] Which Cards are Overpowered? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4031.msg120173#msg120173
« Reply #103 on: July 21, 2010, 06:44:29 pm »
I didn't say an OP counter, I said more counters. I think what makes most OP cards OP is that most deck types do not have access to an effective counter strategy, which forces people to abandon that deck and design one specifically against the card in question. This is what leads to the rock-paper-scissors effect.

I agree

No card that is already in play, that was tested several times before to be able to be inserted in the game, is OP.
The problem is that people want to build an single deck that can beat all other decks. You resumed perfectly, it´s a rock-paper-scissors effect.

The fun of the game is there, sometimes you crush the enemy with your deck, and with the same deck you can lose to a newbie.

Kael Hate

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Re: [POLL] Which Cards are Overpowered? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4031.msg120178#msg120178
« Reply #104 on: July 21, 2010, 06:55:18 pm »
Earthquake is still the only card on that list I think is overpowered.
Plenty of Strong Cards there, but Earthquake is the only Overpowered one.


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Re: [POLL] Which Cards are Overpowered? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4031.msg120244#msg120244
« Reply #105 on: July 21, 2010, 07:48:53 pm »
fractual and Shard of gratituted

fractual ruins everything, even in a deck thats not based around it

shard of gratitute is way too much healing for too little, especially because empathy is the only other 'real' continuos healing card

/bad spelling

Re: [POLL] Which Cards are Overpowered? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4031.msg120457#msg120457
« Reply #106 on: July 21, 2010, 10:52:42 pm »
Earthquake is still the only card on that list I think is overpowered.
Plenty of Strong Cards there, but Earthquake is the only Overpowered one.
I agree 100%, yes there are counters to Earthquake but it wrecks a heck of a lot of mono and duo decks.  To oblivion.  In the first turn.


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Re: [POLL] Which Cards are Overpowered? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4031.msg123778#msg123778
« Reply #107 on: July 25, 2010, 05:55:23 am »
There is now a new section for people to post possible card nerfs: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/board,208.0.html  (lol, first)

I wait for the Fractal and Shard of Gratitude topics to be made since I think others can explain their OPness better than me.

Edit: making Fractal topic now...
Edit: done! Check the "Nerf this Card!" forum for the thread.

