WOW, I mean, wow!
1st of all tnx OldTrees, for skull shield formula - I thought that chance for trigger was constant.
Second, morflink - at first I laughed when you said "it feels like 50%", but, now I'm just - WOW! - you FELT those odds so good, plus I'm glad that someone's good at maths. BUT, now, not only that I think that this card needs NO nerfing, I finally see it's place in this game. This card is perfect, hell, it's more than perfect. And it doesn't STOP rush, it slows it down. 1 out of 2 LG should make it to the next turn. If he does, he will have much lesser chance to die, 1/6, an in the next turn, 1/10 and so on. So you would basically want - no counters to rushes. Besides - there's a new card, Shard of Bravery - allows you to draw 3 cards (if you play

), so fire rushes are, besides being fast killers, buffed to even faster killers. And explosion is also a fire card - so you can "nerf" skull shield "manually".
About: "Zanz has not discovered / been informed of a good way to state the chance on the card. If you come up with a good way then the card text might be changed." Well, type a link on a card