Not advocating for a nerf or anything, but using it one turn before critical points still isn't that good. What if they save up 3 or 4? Then you are left helpless for a while. Silence is used for more then just to counter miracle and stuff, which is forcing unoptimal play. It is also used to, in the upped environment, to get your opponent to discard there needed cards, from the start. Not much you can do when you are silenced from the start for 2+ turns.
I have no doubts Silence is a very useful card and that if you are lucky you can get a couple of them at the beginning of the game, earning a strategic advantage. However, I was highlighting the most dangerous application of Silence, the one that more likely will give its user a victory. A smart player will keep 2 or 3 in his hand, to play them in chain in a critical moment. I admit I have little experience in PvP, but I bet that not many players use this card, in spite of its relative usefulness.
It happened that the AI was able to chain 2 or 3 in the first turns, but it caused a non decisive disadvantage. I was beaten by a Silence while using PDial. The AI cast it in the turn in which I was supposed to use SoSa. What a scoundrel!

It reduced my HP below 40 and I didn't draw healing, so I was beaten. It happened twice
