It actually enhances Sky Blitz quite a bit, since you get 50% more damage off the 2x damage Sky Blitz provides.
I initially thought this would be the case, but what I've found in practice is that by the time I'm ready for the blitz a halfway decent skyshard deck has already killed the opponent. After a dozen games or so of never using blitz I took it out.'
u need to "waste" 6 slots in your deck for having a decent chance of getting a 100% double damage (and u need 4 shards simultaneously) and evasion (that doesn't protect u against rain of fire, that is used in almost every
deck stall).
The fact that a counter exists does NOT make a card balanced.
Imagine if a new card was put into the game called "Shield of Awesome" it reduces incoming damage by 7 points, reflects spells and only costs 1 quanta, but it's not indestructible so it can be easily countered by permanent control. "Shield of Awesome" would still be obviously OP because it does more than the cost of the card justifies.
You do not "need" 6 copies of the shard in your deck--you still benefit even if there's only one of them. Most people put 6 copies in deck simply because the card is so powerful.
lol the shield of awesone, soooo funny, really
this is the only card in elements that require 4 copies at the same time in the field for x effect, if u have 5 or 6 on the field on the field, only 4 has effect, the other 2 are dead cards (most of times) or can replace the destroyed shards (and this mean that for a turn u didn't have the 100%)
at the same time, in the field, u need a decent number of creature, or shards are useless, so the optimal thing is probably 3 shards and 3 creature (at least one wyrm?)
those are a lot of requirements, i think, to explain why this card is somewhat balanced. is a support card lol, alone doesn't do anything, is totally different from a stand alone (or from your really funny joke shield of awesome!!!) card that does something (sundial)or a combo of two cards (dis + bhole).
where this card is played:
fake gods: they don't use shards
pvp1: unupped wyrms are so underpowered, any other cheap airborne creature doesn't have the evasion
pvp2: i don't play pvp2, so idk
pvp1/2 tournaments: shards are banned from most of them
bronze: lol shards
silver: if u find the guy with upped wyrms can be scary, but i think is really rare a silver player with a decent number of shards and upped wyrms
gold: in gold a good 40% of players still don't know what they are doing, in the top 50 there are 5 air decks (10%), i think u will find something like 8% air deck in all the gold league?
platinum: here u have no no excuses, is the last league in the game, with poison dials is an autowin, swallow gets outrushed (swallow gets outrushed in general)
so i think the problem is in gold and platinum?
i didn't farm gold so much (i actually start doing it with a sofree deck that has a decent winrate against other sofree!!!!), but removing the 40% of players that buid terrible decks, removing every other elements, if your deck has a decent winrate all decks, i don't think is a problem if u lose a 10% of the battles because your deck can't handle it, which in a tcg with a lot of variety is totally normal?
the plat arena has a compilation of even better combos, so what is the point of trying (or simply talking) to nerf a single card that is pseudo balanced?