Until dim shield gets nerfed, this card doesn't deserve to be nerfed. So I'm gonna say what people in favor of dim shield have said to me: Stop complaining and use some permanent control. Noob. Plenty of ways to deal with decks that use Sofr.
(how does it feel?)
Here are some:
-use perm control (obviously)
-use mass creature control
-use early creature control
-use a rush deck (before they can take out too many shards)
-use a heal/drain deck (stalls them out, you heal and attack while opp just attacks)
-use a stall deck (to prevent)
-use a quanta/tower control deck (to prevent)
-use antimatter (turns the tide, opp's sofr ends up helping you win)
-use web effect (turns opp's creatures to non-flying)
First off, perm control is VERY easily stopped. This is one of the few times EA is good as it will stop that flat out. This does NOT apply to dim shield because dim. shield will disappear after 3 turns, meaning you need a separate EA for each shield. In the case of SoFr, you only need 1 to protect the whole stack.
-The comment about rush decks is also a problem since many of the best SoFr decks are themselves rush decks (try outrushing SoFr-Damsel-tal ... its not actually that easy to do, especially consistently)
-Using tower / quanta control? once again damselfly combo will flatten that idea many times. Also, SoFr takes a measely 1

to play. Good luck stopping that consistently with QC.
-AM... um if you cant target something AM won't help you much.
-Web effect ... again you cant target the flyers.
In short, mass CC is the only consistently effective counter.
I actually think a slight nerf wouldn't be too bad here.
I think with 3+ its far too strong... on the other hand I think with just 1 (or even with 2) it could use a slight bump. Some kind of non-linear scaling would be good... maybe have it give
1 -> 30%
2 -> 45%
3 -> 60%
4 -> 75%
5 -> 85%
6 -> 90%
each after 6 adds only 1.5% (capping it out at 99%)
Then again, I also think dim. shield currently makes the game less fun and is in need of more counter cards as well. Sadly I doubt I'll see either.