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Re: Shard of Focus https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=38644.msg531695#msg531695
« Reply #372 on: August 10, 2012, 11:19:45 pm »
Ideally, shard of focus should be comparable in power to something like butterfly effect.  BE is the weakest form of PC currently ingame, and an other card accessible to any element should be among the weakest, not the best one.

That is an interesting idea. SoFo could be a spell that transmutes a creature into what the current shard of focus is (like mutation). It should be a new creature so you can't use SoFo's ability on the turn you play it. This would also make the card a form of CC.

Actually, that post just gave me a GREAT idea.  Turn shard of focus into something like this...

Cost = 7 // 6 (like now)
Type: Spell (plays on a creature, like butterfly effect, blessing, etc)
Text: Target creature gains the ability Accretion: Destroy target permanent.  This creature loses 10hp from its max hp, and this damage cannot be healed.  Turns into a black hole if it dies by this effect.

This would, on most creatures, result in destroying a single permanent.  On some dragons, like upped light dragon or upped earth dragon or steam machine, you could do it twice.  On gravity creatures, like massive dragon or armagio, you could do it three times (and thus increase yet more the gravity synergy)  The no healing clause is to prevent stuff like holy flash or archangel turning it into the same near-perpetual destruction machine that gravity force can do to it now.  This could be a little too abusive with voodoo dolls, but even there, you'd do 10 damage one time (the second time, the doll dies and thus does no damage) so it's probably okay, and you'd have to use deck slots on dolls which are kinda weak anyway, whereas a card like gravity force is useful in other ways, like CC, on your own other creatures in an emergency, etc.  Also note that this card won't be broken by phoenix, since when the phoenix dies, it wouldn't have the original phoenix ability, as it is replaced by accretion; same thing with ash and the rebirth ability.  It would be like how you can stop phoenix/ash now by liquid shadow or overdrive, or stop ash rebirth by butterfly effect.

Thematically, I'd argue that the creature is losing mass to the accretion ability (rather than the way the shard is gaining mass) so that hopefully justifies the reversal from hp gain to hp loss under this design from a thematic point of view.  It also makes the shard easier to deal with by CC.  The one buff that would actually come about is that if the creature were already in play, you could theoretically play SoF on it and activate it right away (like how you can do with butterfly effect, assuming sufficient entropy quanta) but I don't think that's too much of a problem, given that outside of gravity it's capped at 2 activations anyway, and will usually be one.

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Re: Shard of Focus https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=38644.msg531696#msg531696
« Reply #373 on: August 10, 2012, 11:22:36 pm »
You'd be using 6 :rainbow + 1 creature for the equivalent of 1 deflag + 1 bh. Still makes it so that SoFo is much better in a rainbow than a mono, (I have to sacrifice a frog and 8 :life to destroy his wings?). I do like how gravity gets a huge boost form it though.

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Re: Shard of Focus https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=38644.msg531705#msg531705
« Reply #374 on: August 10, 2012, 11:51:56 pm »
Ideally, shard of focus should be comparable in power to something like butterfly effect.  BE is the weakest form of PC currently ingame, and an other card accessible to any element should be among the weakest, not the best one.

That is an interesting idea. SoFo could be a spell that transmutes a creature into what the current shard of focus is (like mutation). It should be a new creature so you can't use SoFo's ability on the turn you play it. This would also make the card a form of CC.
This would change the SoFo + Nova + Gravity Mark to Photon + SoFo + Nova + Gravity Mark.
This is an improvement in that the cost is increased by 1 card. I do not think it is sufficient but it does address the problem in an effective manner.
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Re: Shard of Focus https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=38644.msg531787#msg531787
« Reply #375 on: August 11, 2012, 03:54:43 am »
That is an interesting idea. SoFo could be a spell that transmutes a creature into what the current shard of focus is (like mutation). It should be a new creature so you can't use SoFo's ability on the turn you play it. This would also make the card a form of CC.
This would change the SoFo + Nova + Gravity Mark to Photon + SoFo + Nova + Gravity Mark.
This is an improvement in that the cost is increased by 1 card. I do not think it is sufficient but it does address the problem in an effective manner.

It would also make use of SoFo riskier, because most CC would give 1-for-2 card advantage. It would also decrease the reliability of playing it on turn 1.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2012, 03:57:15 am by jawdirk »

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Re: Shard of Focus https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=38644.msg532000#msg532000
« Reply #376 on: August 11, 2012, 05:24:06 pm »
I think it must start with 1 hp and take per turn 2-3  random quanta and the card gets defense +7 or around that and when you want you give 1  :gravity and make gravity pull.This card can cost 0 or 1 random quanta to play...so i think it will be something like creature.
:water :water :water

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Re: Shard of Focus https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=38644.msg532020#msg532020
« Reply #377 on: August 11, 2012, 06:24:44 pm »
Ideally, shard of focus should be comparable in power to something like butterfly effect.  BE is the weakest form of PC currently ingame, and an other card accessible to any element should be among the weakest, not the best one.

That is an interesting idea. SoFo could be a spell that transmutes a creature into what the current shard of focus is (like mutation). It should be a new creature so you can't use SoFo's ability on the turn you play it. This would also make the card a form of CC.

Actually, that post just gave me a GREAT idea.  Turn shard of focus into something like this...

Cost = 7 // 6 (like now)
Type: Spell (plays on a creature, like butterfly effect, blessing, etc)
Text: Target creature gains the ability Accretion: Destroy target permanent.  This creature loses 10hp from its max hp, and this damage cannot be healed.  Turns into a black hole if it dies by this effect.

This would, on most creatures, result in destroying a single permanent.  On some dragons, like upped light dragon or upped earth dragon or steam machine, you could do it twice.  On gravity creatures, like massive dragon or armagio, you could do it three times (and thus increase yet more the gravity synergy)  The no healing clause is to prevent stuff like holy flash or archangel turning it into the same near-perpetual destruction machine that gravity force can do to it now.  This could be a little too abusive with voodoo dolls, but even there, you'd do 10 damage one time (the second time, the doll dies and thus does no damage) so it's probably okay, and you'd have to use deck slots on dolls which are kinda weak anyway, whereas a card like gravity force is useful in other ways, like CC, on your own other creatures in an emergency, etc.  Also note that this card won't be broken by phoenix, since when the phoenix dies, it wouldn't have the original phoenix ability, as it is replaced by accretion; same thing with ash and the rebirth ability.  It would be like how you can stop phoenix/ash now by liquid shadow or overdrive, or stop ash rebirth by butterfly effect.

Thematically, I'd argue that the creature is losing mass to the accretion ability (rather than the way the shard is gaining mass) so that hopefully justifies the reversal from hp gain to hp loss under this design from a thematic point of view.  It also makes the shard easier to deal with by CC.  The one buff that would actually come about is that if the creature were already in play, you could theoretically play SoF on it and activate it right away (like how you can do with butterfly effect, assuming sufficient entropy quanta) but I don't think that's too much of a problem, given that outside of gravity it's capped at 2 activations anyway, and will usually be one.

I like this.  It would stop this from happening in arena:

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Re: Shard of Focus https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=38644.msg532051#msg532051
« Reply #378 on: August 11, 2012, 09:01:08 pm »

Cost = 7 // 6 (like now)
Type: Spell (plays on a creature, like butterfly effect, blessing, etc)
Text: Target creature gains the ability Accretion: Destroy target permanent.  This creature loses 10hp from its max hp, and this damage cannot be healed.  Turns into a black hole if it dies by this effect.

I like this idea too. It seems fairly balanced as is. Personally, I don't mind the synergy with voodoo doll.

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Re: Shard of Focus https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=38644.msg532053#msg532053
« Reply #379 on: August 11, 2012, 09:03:12 pm »

Cost = 7 // 6 (like now)
Type: Spell (plays on a creature, like butterfly effect, blessing, etc)
Text: Target creature gains the ability Accretion: Destroy target permanent.  This creature loses 10hp from its max hp, and this damage cannot be healed.  Turns into a black hole if it dies by this effect.

I like this idea too. It seems fairly balanced as is. Personally, I don't mind the synergy with voodoo doll.

This is a great idea that I really like.

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Re: Shard of Focus https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=38644.msg532265#msg532265
« Reply #380 on: August 12, 2012, 02:36:50 pm »

This would, on most creatures, result in destroying a single permanent.  On some dragons, like upped light dragon or upped earth dragon or steam machine, you could do it twice.  On gravity creatures, like massive dragon or armagio, you could do it three times (and thus increase yet more the gravity synergy) 

Titan + Flying weapon + SoFo   :o

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Re: Shard of Focus https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=38644.msg532311#msg532311
« Reply #381 on: August 12, 2012, 05:17:37 pm »
3 card combo, plus a fantastic weapon/defense. for 5 destructions.  Also, costs 12  quanta.  I think its fine.
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Re: Shard of Focus https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=38644.msg532554#msg532554
« Reply #382 on: August 13, 2012, 09:45:41 am »
In my opinion, SoF has to nerf because of awesome in rainbow deck.
We can use 2 rainbow towers to place the SoF, but use 6 solo towers to place.
I really dislike it to place in the rainbow deck.

I think that it is use for every solo elements to use it.  Some elements  which is without permanent control are  under power.
I recommend that SoF has to place for 6 quantum and has to use 3 quantum on your Mark to destroy permanent, :gravity cost 2 quantum.
After 3 time to use, it became the black hole to decrease 3 every element quantum from you and opponent.

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Re: Shard of Focus https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=38644.msg532616#msg532616
« Reply #383 on: August 13, 2012, 02:49:27 pm »

Cost = 7 // 6 (like now)
Type: Spell (plays on a creature, like butterfly effect, blessing, etc)
Text: Target creature gains the ability Accretion: Destroy target permanent.  This creature loses 10hp from its max hp, and this damage cannot be healed.  Turns into a black hole if it dies by this effect.

I like this idea too. It seems fairly balanced as is. Personally, I don't mind the synergy with voodoo doll.

This is a great idea that I really like.
Well thought-out. I would support this.

