Definitely the most OP card in any deck. It totally shuts down traditional quantum decks when it comes out early, and can be combined with a variety of other cards to absolutely dominate the game. Ever try gravity force + SoF? Pretty much a game-ender right there... you can boost the SoF by 15 a turn, keeping it alive for quite some time, even if the opponent doesn't have permanents. It's so much stronger and more versatile than deflag or explosion it's almost ridiculous. How about a fire nymph or some rage potions? Basically it's an all-powerful creature that can heal 15/turn, and is really only vulnerable to freeze or 1st out creature zaps. Can anybody consistently win in PVP2 without this card? I'm not so sure.... It's a cool idea, but wayyy too juiced, and how much better is it than the other shards? Some of the shards are completely useless in comparison. IMO SoF is broken, and seems to have been introduced without much testing. It's great if you have it, and a real pain if you don't.