OP said they would add a poll once there's feedback. Surely its high time there was a poll. Plenty of suggestions so far in thread:
12) and of course, though not sure anyone other than mathematistic will vote for it, "no nerf".
I, as well, would vote for "no nerf." It's really not all that powerful - high cost, no damage, vulnerable to CC (Freeze/Congeal is especially a PITA for this card), Fractal/TU bait, etc.
If there is anything OP about SoF, it's the fact that it can accrete/cancel, and still gain the HP. If it worked more like FW/AW, and couldn't go off without a valid target, or at least only gained HP
after successfully destroying a permanent, it might seem a little more fair to those who fear it.
But, really, there are often better cards to use than SoF in most decks. Just my opinion - but I play Arena, and always pack PA in any deck that relies on perms anyways. If anything, SoF, for me, just means that more decks I face justify using PA, instead of it being a dead card in my hand against anything but darkness and fire.