You keep saying that BH from the SoF is OP. You have given no evidence for that.
I said it a lot of times, so I can say one more time 
Destroying Towers and giving into the hand a card which clear quantum is too strong combo. It is like giving BlackHole after each Discord third attack.
Combo QS+BH is also too strong in my opinion.
Don't really agree with this. 1st of all, DBH's usually have a black hole every 3-4 turns, so its not really that bad, however I get the point of it being one card. Discord randomizez 9 quanta, leaving 1 quanta of an element, that means that against a mono, this could take out 26 quanta, then Bhole, and drain it all, while opponent can do basically nothing. You would heal a maximum of 26.
With SoF, you destory 3 permanents, which is basically a quanta gain reduction of -1 a turn. If you start with 4 pillars, that is 13 (including turn of summoning sickness), enough to play any card in the game. Use the Bhole, and you gain 3 hp, and oppoenent is left with 10 quanta, still able to play almost any card in the game.
Very bad comparison.