In my opinion, the current version of two shards are "forced" to focused in specific elements.
SoSe = You must have

to use the first card.
SoFo = You must have

to use the BH.
SoD, SoG, SoR(although I think is little overpowered with mitosis), SoSac(although it removes all quanta but

... and I think it is slightly forced to

), SoV, SoP, SoB, SoI(although it needs

to use its skill), SoW, SoFre don't have this "forced" element part.
I think the shards should be synergied without this kinda usage.
Shards are in the "others" card pack. Like the GotP with Nightmare. GotP don't say about

, but synergies well.
Inelegant way, but still (SoB, SoD, SoG, SoV) this shards' mechanic is okay.
I think the "forced" elements usage is like:
Pegasus with

Gravoid with

Poseidon with

The non-forced elements usage is like:
GotP with

Puffer fish with Epinephrine.
Pest with Mitosis.
The forced elements usage seems to be "almost nothing without those element" or "The card says it hardly needs this element".
/* SoFo is even OP without BH imo */
Sorry for my bad English.