[img]Its so OP add cost or reduse the destroys or something...
Nowdays the arena is filled with SOF, psions, immortals, phase dragons, pests, and some more SOFS.
Again and again the dame decks.
Soooooo boring,
i remember the day where you could see alot of different decks fighting their way through..
but no its like SOF, psions, immortals, phase dragons, pests, and some more SOFS.
And dont get me wrong i am not loosing.
I got my speed-rainbow deck and farming my ass of silver and gold but thats only cause i have been playing this game for like 6 years (best work game).
but what about others trying to do the same?
I feel really bad for the game and the only reason i am not posting in other sections to cry about those is because these are all the things at fault nowdays in Elements.
Sorry for the long post