Before I begin, let me define how I am using the word 'counter'. I mean counter to mean something like "Purify counters Deadly Poison, because Purify nullifies the 4 deadly poisons you put onto the field, giving you both quanta and card advantage". Not something such as "Liquid Shadow counters Ray of Light, because it kills the creature and only heals them for 1". Because you invested more into your 'counter' than they did their RoL
The problem with Shard of Focus isn't what it does, it is how effectively it does this job and just how hard it is to
stop from doing this job. It is also the fact that it is almost literally impossible to come out on the worse end of a turn 1-2 SoFo play.
Unlike what you may think, SoFo does
not have the job of selective permanent destruction. SoFo is in the business of immense card advantage. Similar to SoSe, but a lot more powerful. Thinking about this in terms of card advantage, a first turn SoFo has almost literally no way of being taken out cost effectively. All the CCs in the world also take up a card to vanquish the shard, so you have to fall to repeatable card destruction or nerfing, like Owls Eye, or Mind Flayer. However, these take time to get onto the field, and if you go second, and your opponent goes first and gets a SoFo out, you have literally no cost effective way to deal with it.
I point this out because there is almost no way for SoFo to not at least
break even. And if allowed any say in the matter it will balloon up to 3 explosions + Gravity pull target / Black Hole. There are literally NO first turn counters, because all of the 'first turn counters' required you to spend a card to stop it, and probably more quanta after considering SoFo is

What SoFo needs is a counter, something that actually can stop it on the first turn that it is played while maintaining card advantage. The whole prospect of having 4 cards in 1 (explosion x3 + black hole) is a separate issue, but I feel like the bigger issue is the sheer inability to be countered effectively. Especially early game.
(aka, the vast majority of the cards on that list are
not counters to SoFo, merely ways to stop it from snowballing out of control. Breaking even should not be considered a counter.)