This card: 2


to force opponent to use X quanta and lose one draw. Remove buffs. Revert own creatures to original state for X quanta.
Lightning: 2


to, most typically, remove a creature from field. Can remove own creatures from field.
Lightning is more powerful against a low-HP creature, non-buff deck. Does well against monos/duos in general.
Reverse Time is more powerful against a high-HP creature, buff deck, or non-removal CC (Antimatter, Freeze, BB, etc.) Does better against rainbows in general.
In the 3 categories of creature removal, replacement cost, and debuff removal,
Lightning: Permanently removes creature if HP<=5, accounts for the majority of creatures. Requires opponent to pay X quanta+1 card for replacement. Can remove debuffs on own creatures permanently.
Reverse Time: Removes creature for a certain number of turns, requires opponent to pay X quanta for replacement. Own creatures with debuffs return to original state for X quanta+1 draw
Lightning and Reverse Time are more useful in varying situations, are roughly the same value.
Therefore, Reverse Time can be balanced around Lightning.
No nerf necessary.