| 1
Deals 5 damage to target.
Cards denied : 1 Card Destroyed. (Usually)
| 1
Reverse Time
Sends target creature back to the top of the deck.
Cards denied : 1 Card Draw Denied, 1 Temporary Card + X Amount of Quantum.
| 2
Opponent can't play cards for 1 tunr.
Cards denied : 1-8 cards in hand/drawn. (On average you'll deny 4-5 cards)
Instead of +1 to cost, how about having Reverse Time refund the owner of the target the card's cost? (For example - I rewind a Shrieker controlled by Player2, Player2 gets 8
) This allows the opponent to play their card back much quicker, and if not can spend the refunded quantum on other cards, increasing the risk factor while keeping the speed.