But im not to familiar with the card cost theory. Someone drag Old Trees in here.
Rage Potion (unupped) is equal to Lightning [2

+1card] when used as CC.
Total value of CC (unupped) use: 2

Rage Elixir (upped) is slightly worse than 2 Improved Blessings [4

+ 2 upgrades + 2 cards] - 2 Heavy Armors [2

+ 2 upgrades + 2 cards] when used as a buff.
Total value of Buff (upped) use: 2

Since the value is around 2

+1card but has the benefit of being very versatile (CC or Buff) it gets a versatility tax (usually just +1

). Result: 3

The major complaint about Rage Potion is that Fire has a destructive theme and thus has the potential to have very removal heavy decks. People also complain about Aether's untouchable theme. These themes are what makes the elements differ. It is better to modify the impact Firestall has on the meta rather than lobotomize part of an element's theme.