I would buff Mindgate, not nerf it.
Scaredgirl for president!!!
Well, actually Mindgate is fun. It is just something you have to be prepared for.
I won against a guy playing mindgate, here is a conversation:
me: well, how are you going to win?
him: will, i hope i draw a hitter from your deck.
him: do you have any hitters?
me: well, umm, yeah, they must be hiding in the deck...
I got druid, afla, eternity and mindgate myself, but my mindgate was not coming.
I beat the guy with eternity, but he decked out, most boring duel, ever.
At another time, i stole/duplicate/etc 6 or 7 mindgates from someone

Finished the game with EM on 440 hp.
I still wonder why people put 6 mindgates into a 30 cards deck. That won't work.