Enchant artifact is cheap, but it is also a defensive card. You have to sync it with another card, and if the opponent has no counter measures anyway, you play it for nothing.
- 1 quanta cost is a minimal buff... I have upped other cards. 2 or 1 earth, you barely notice the difference. Compare that to quicksand, an active destruction card. It still costs 2 earth upped, but it is really annoying and you can use it almost always.
I keep reading ''earth gets too much'' all the time.. That's hard to judge for me. There's still no way to kill off any creatures, maybe some other things make up for that. I don't know how these decks are being designed, I do see some decks have way more cards than others. I'd like to see every element has some basic strategies and the same amount of cards, while every element is still denied one or two trumps to keep it fair.